probability 英 [ˌprɒbəˈbɪləti]   美 [ˌprɑbəˈbɪləti]


probability  英 [ˌprɒbəˈbɪləti] 美 [ˌprɑbəˈbɪləti]

n. 可能性;机率 


The probability is that prices will rise rapidly. 物价有可能会迅速上升。
There seemed to be a high probability of success. 成功的几率似乎很高。

  • Probability has to do with how likely something is to happen. If there's a 50/50 chance, then the probability is 50%.
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  • n. 可能性;机率
  • 1. The probability is that prices will rise rapidly.


  • 2. There seemed to be a high probability of success.


  • 3. It now seems a probability rather than just a possibility.


  • 4. There is a 60% probability that the population will be infected with the disease.

    民众感染这种疾病的概率为 60%。

  • 5. In all probability he failed to understand the consequences of his actions.


  • probability (n.) mid-15c., "quality of being probable," from Old French probabilite (14c.) and directly from Latin probabilitatem (nominative probabilitas) "credibility, probability," from probabilis (see probable). Meaning "something likely to be true" is from 1570s; mathematical sense is from 1718.
prob·abil·ity / ˌprɒbəˈbɪləti ; NAmE ˌprɑːbəˈbɪləti / noun ( plural prob·abil·ities ) 1 [uncountable ,  countable ] how likely sth is to happen 可能性;或然性 SYN likelihood The probability is that prices will rise rapidly. 物价有可能会迅速上升。 There seemed to be a high probability of success. 成功的几率似乎很高。 2 [countable ] a thing that is likely to happen 很可能发生的事 A fall in interest rates is a strong probabilityin the present economic climate. 在目前的经济形势下,降低利率大有可能。 It now seems a probability rather than just a possibility. 这件事似乎十拿九稳,而不是仅有可能。 3 [countable ,  uncountable ] ( mathematics ) a ratioshowing the chances that a particular thing will happen 概率;几率;或然率 There is a 60% probability that the population will be infected with the disease. 民众感染这种疾病的概率为 60%。 IDIOM in ˌall probaˈbility… it is very likely that 很可能 In all probability he failed to understand the consequences of his actions. 他很可能未了解到行动的后果。 more at balance n. probability probabilities prob·abil·ity / ˌprɒbəˈbɪləti ; NAmE ˌprɑːbəˈbɪləti /
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