privy 英 [ˈprɪvi]   美 [ˈprɪvi]


privy  英 [ˈprɪvi] 美 [ˈprɪvi]

adj. 私人的;不公开的;秘密参与的  n. 有利害关系的人;厕所 


You might create a two-way form that contains data to which only one user in the interaction should be privy. 您可以创建这样一个双向表单:只有交互中的一个用户能够访问表单数据。
The barber was also an army man and seemed to be privy to every officer’s secrets. 那个理发师也是一名军人,他看起来好像对任何高级军官的秘密存在利害关系。

  • If you're privy to something, you've been let in on a secret or know about something that most people don't. Not many people are privy to what those top secret documents are all about, for example.
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  • adj. 私人的;不公开的;秘密参与的
  • n. 有利害关系的人;厕所
  • 1. You might create a two-way form that contains data to which only one user in the interaction should be privy.


  • 2. The barber was also an army man and seemed to be privy to every officer’s secrets.


  • privy (adj.) "private," early 13c., from Old French privé "friendly, intimate; a private place," from Latin privatus "private, personal" (see private (adj.)). Meaning "participating in (a secret)" (usually with to) is attested from late 14c. Related: Privily. Privy Council is from c. 1300 in a general sense; specifically of the British government, first attested late 14c., as consaile priue. Privy member "organ of sex" is from late 13c.
  • privy (n.) "toilet," c. 1200, from Old French privé, privee "latrine," literally "private place," from noun use of adjective privé (see privy (adj.)).
privy / ˈprɪvi ; NAmE ˈprɪvi / adjective , noun privy privies adjective ( formal) privyto sth allowed to know about sth secret 准许知情;可参与秘事 She was not privy to any information contained in the letters. 她未获准接触那些信的内容。 noun ( plural privies ) ( old-fashioned) a toilet, especially an outdoor one (户外)厕所,茅房 privy / ˈprɪvi ; NAmE ˈprɪvi /
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