probation officer 英 [prəˈbeiʃən ˈɔfisə]   美 [proˈbeʃən ˈɔfɪsɚ]

probation officer

probation officer  英 [prəˈbeiʃən ˈɔfisə] 美 [proˈbeʃən ˈɔfɪsɚ]

phrase. 试用官;缓刑犯监督官 

名词复数:probation officers 

Downey used the time to go to Harvard Law School, and Fecteau worked on home projects, took care of his parents, and sought work as a probation officer. 唐尼利用这段时间去了哈佛大学法学院读书,而费克图则在家进行装修,照顾他的父母,并找了份假释官的工作。
The probation officer reported on the progress of the two young criminal. 官员对两个青少年犯的进步作了汇报。

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  • phrase. 试用官;缓刑犯监督官
  • 1. Downey used the time to go to Harvard Law School, and Fecteau worked on home projects, took care of his parents, and sought work as a probation officer.


  • 2. The probation officer reported on the progress of the two young criminal.


  • 3. Everyone marvels at Cruella's incredible transformation, all except her dog loving probation officer, Chloe Simon, who doesn't believe it for a minute.


proˈbation officer / ; NAmE / noun a person whose job is to check on people who are on probationand help them 缓刑监督官 proˈbation officer / ; NAmE /
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