poke 英 [pəʊk]   美 [poʊk]


poke  英 [pəʊk] 美 [poʊk]

v. 刺,捅;戳;伸出  n. 戳;刺 

进行时:poking  过去式:poked  过去分词:poked  第三人称单数:pokes  名词复数:pokes 

She poked him in the ribs with her elbow. 她用胳膊肘顶他的肋部。
She poked her elbow into his ribs. 她用胳膊肘顶他的肋部。

  • A poke is a jab or a sharp push, usually with something thin or pointed, like a finger, a stick, or even an elbow.
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  • v. 刺,捅;戳;伸出
  • n. 戳;刺
  • 1. She poked him in the ribs with her elbow.


  • 2. She poked her elbow into his ribs.


  • 3. She got up and poked the fire (= to make it burn more strongly).


  • 4. Someone had poked a message under the door.


  • 5. Don't poke her eye out with that stick!


  • 6. The end of the cable was left poking out of the wall.


  • 7. The kids poked holes in the ice with sticks.


  • 8. to give the fire a poke


  • 9. He gave me a poke in the ribs to wake me up.


  • poke (n.1) "small sack," early 13c., probably from Old North French poque (12c., Old French poche) "purse, poke, purse-net," probably from a Germanic source, from Proto-Germanic *puk- (source also of Old English pohha, pocca "bag, pocket," Middle Dutch poke, Old Norse poki "bag, pouch, pocket," dialectal German Pfoch), from PIE root *beu-, an imitative root associated with words for "to swell" (see bull (n.2)).
  • poke (n.2) "pokeweed; a weed used in medicine and dyeing," colonial American, from native words, possibly a confusion of similar-sounding Native American plant names; from 1630s in English as "tobacco plant," short for uppowoc (1580s), from Algonquian (Virginia) *uppowoc. Later (1708) the word is used in the sense "pokeweed," as a shortened form of puccoon, from Algonquian (Virginia) *puccoon, name of a plant used for dyeing." Native roots for "smoke" and "stain" have been proposed as the origin or origins.
  • poke (n.3) "an act of poking," 1796, originally pugilistic slang, from poke (v.). Also (1809) the name of a device, like a yoke with a pole, attached to domestic animals such as pigs and sheep to keep them from escaping enclosures. Hence slowpoke, and compare pokey. Slang sense "act of sexual intercourse" is attested from 1902.
  • poke (v.) "to push, prod, thrust," especially with something pointed, c. 1300, puken "to poke, nudge," of uncertain origin, perhaps from or related to Middle Dutch poken "to poke" (Dutch beuken), or Middle Low German poken "to stick with a knife" (compare German pochen "to knock, rap"), both from Proto-Germanic root *puk-, perhaps imitative. Related: Poked; poking. To poke fun "tease" first attested 1840; to poke around "search" is from 1809. To poke along "advance lazily; walk at a leisurely pace" is from 1833.
poke / pəʊk ; NAmE poʊk / verb , noun poke pokes poked poking verb 1 [transitive ] to quickly push your fingers or another object into sb/sth (用手指或其他东西)捅,戳,杵 SYN prod pokesb/sth with sth She poked him in the ribs with her elbow. 她用胳膊肘顶他的肋部。 pokesth into sth She poked her elbow into his ribs. 她用胳膊肘顶他的肋部。 pokesb/sth I'm sick of being poked and prodded by doctors. 我讨厌让医生在我身上戳戳点点的。 She got up and poked the fire (= to make it burn more strongly). 她起来拨了拨火。 2 [transitive ] pokesth + adv./prep. to push sth somewhere or move it in a particular direction with a small quick movement 推;捅;戳;探 He poked his head around the corner to check that nobody was coming. 他从转角处探出头来,查看有没有人过来。 Someone had poked a message under the door. 有人从门底下塞进了一张纸条。 Don't poke her eye out with that stick! 别让那根棍子戳着她的眼! 3 [intransitive ] + adv./prep. if an object is poking out of, through, etc.sth, you can see a part of it that is no longer covered by sth else 露出;伸出;探出 The end of the cable was left poking out of the wall. 电缆头从墙里露出来了。 Clumps of grass poked up through the snow. 一簇簇的草破雪而出。 4 [transitive ] ~ a hole in sth (with sth) to make a hole in sth by pushing your finger or another object into it 捅窟窿;扎洞 The kids poked holes in the ice with sticks. 孩子们用棍子在冰上戳洞。 5 [transitive ] pokesb ( taboo, slang) (of a man 男人 ) to have sex with sb 与(某人)性交 IDIOM poke ˈfun at sb/sth to say unkind things about sb/sth in order to make other people laugh at them 拿…开心;奚落;嘲弄 SYN ridicule Her novels poke fun at the upper class. 她的小说嘲弄上流社会。 more at nose n. PHRASAL VERBS ˌpoke aˈbout/aˈround ( informal) to look for sth, especially sth that is hidden among other things that you have to move 搜查;翻找 The police spent the day poking around in his office but found nothing. 警察花了一天时间搜查他的办公室,但一无所获。 ( figurative) We've had journalists poking around and asking a lot of questions. 我们给记者不断追问。 ˈpoke at sth to push a pointed object, your finger, etc. at sth repeatedly with small quick movements (用手指、物件等反复地)捅,戳,扎 He poked at the spaghetti with a fork. 他用叉子拨弄着意大利面。 noun 1 [countable ,  usually singular ] the action of quickly pushing your fingers or another object into sb/sth 捅;戳;拨;挑 to give the fire a poke 拨一拨火 He gave me a poke in the ribs to wake me up. 他捅了一下我的肋部把我叫醒。 2 [uncountable ] ( BrE) power in a car (汽车的)马力,推进力 I prefer something with a bit more poke. 我想要马力再大些的。 IDIOMS have a ˌpoke aˈround ( informal) to look carefully around a place to see what you can find; to try to find out information about sb/sth 仔细寻觅;探究;打探 take a ˈpoke at sb/sth ( old-fashioned) ( NAmE informal) to make an unkind remark about sb/sth; to laugh at sb/sth 嘲弄;奚落;嘲笑 more at pig n. poke / pəʊk ; NAmE poʊk /
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