poker 英 [ˈpəʊkə(r)]   美 [ˈpoʊkə(r)]


poker  英 [ˈpəʊkə(r)] 美 [ˈpoʊkə(r)]

n. 拨火棍;纸牌戏;(用棍)戳的人  vt. 烙制 


He kept stirring at the fire with a poker when he spoke to me. 他在和我说话时,不停地用拨火棍拨着火。
My dad only uses the computer to play poker and for some reason whenever I get on after him caps lock is always on, no idea why. 我爸用电脑的唯一目的就是打红心大战,不知道为什么,每次我站在他后面观战,总是会发现大小写转换是开着的。

  • Poker is a card game that involves betting with chips and keeping a straight face. You can also play poker online and make any kind of face you want. Additionally, a poker is a tool you keep by a fireplace.
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  • n. 拨火棍;纸牌戏;(用棍)戳的人
  • vt. 烙制
  • 1. He kept stirring at the fire with a poker when he spoke to me.


  • 2. My dad only uses the computer to play poker and for some reason whenever I get on after him caps lock is always on, no idea why.


  • 3. So for instance, institutions like mental institutions and some prisons have installed token economies where there's rewards for good behavior, often poker chips of a sort.


  • poker (n.1) "the iron bar with which men stir the fire" [Johnson], 1530s, agent noun from poke (v.).
  • poker (n.2) card game, 1834, American English, of unknown origin, perhaps from the first element of German Pochspiel, name of a card game similar to poker, from pochen "to brag as a bluff," literally "to knock, rap" (see poke (v.)). A popular alternative theory traces the word to French poque, also said to have been a card game resembling poker. "[B]ut without documentation these explanations are mere speculation" [Barnhart]. The earlier version of the game in English was called brag. Slang poker face (n.) "deadpan" is from 1874.
poker / ˈpəʊkə(r) ; NAmE ˈpoʊkər / noun 1 [uncountable ] a card game for two or more people, in which the players bet on the values of the cards they hold 扑克牌游戏 2 [countable ] a metal stick for moving or breaking up coal in a fire 通条;拨火棍 poker pokers poker / ˈpəʊkə(r) ; NAmE ˈpoʊkər /
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