package 英 [ˈpækɪdʒ]   美 [ˈpækɪdʒ]


package  英 [ˈpækɪdʒ] 美 [ˈpækɪdʒ]

n. 包,包裹;套装  vt. 打包;包装 

进行时:packaging  过去式:packaged  过去分词:packaged  第三人称单数:packages  名词复数:packages 

A large package has arrived for you. 你有一个大包裹来了。
a package of hamburger buns 一袋做汉堡包用的圆面包

  • A package is a wrapped bundle or a container of something. If you order new socks online, they'll be delivered to your door in a package a few days later.
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  • n. 包,包裹;套装
  • vt. 打包;包装
  • 1. A large package has arrived for you.


  • 2. a package of hamburger buns


  • 3. a benefits package


  • 4. an aid package


  • 5. a package of measures to help small businesses


  • 6. packaged food, packaged goods


  • 7. We package our products in recyclable materials.


  • 8. The orders were already packaged up, ready to be sent.


  • package (n.) 1530s, "the act of packing," from pack (n.) + -age; or from cognate Dutch pakkage "baggage." The main modern sense of "bundle, parcel" is first attested 1722. Package deal is from 1952.
  • package (v.) 1915, from package (n.). Related: Packaged; packaging.
pack·age / ˈpækɪdʒ ; NAmE ˈpækɪdʒ / noun , verb package packages packaged packaging noun 1 ( especially NAmE) = parcel n.  (1 ) A large package has arrived for you. 你有一个大包裹来了。 2 ( NAmE) a box, bag, etc. in which things are wrapped or packed; the contents of a box etc. 包;盒;袋;包装好的东西 Check the list of ingredients on the side of the package. 检查一下包装盒侧面的成分清单。 a package of hamburger buns 一袋做汉堡包用的圆面包 compare pack n.  (1 ) , packet  (1 ) 3 ( also ˈpackage deal ) a set of items or ideas that must be bought or accepted together (必须整体接收的)一套东西,一套建议;一揽子交易 a benefits package 一套福利措施 an aid package 综合援助计划 a package of measures to help small businesses 扶助小企业的整套措施 4 ( also ˈsoftware package ) ( computing ) a set of related programs for a particular type of task, sold and used as a single unit 软件包 The system came with a database software package. 本系统配有数据库软件包。 verb [often passive ] 1 to put sth into a box, bag, etc. to be sold or transported 将…包装好 packagesth packaged food/goods 包装好的食品╱商品 We package our products in recyclable materials. 我们用可回收的材料包装我们的产品。 packagesth up The orders were already packaged up, ready to be sent. 订货已包装好待运。 2 packagesb/sth (as sth) to present sb/sth in a particular way 包装成;使改头换面;把…装扮为 an attempt to package news as entertainment 把新闻包装成娱乐形式的尝试 pack·age / ˈpækɪdʒ ; NAmE ˈpækɪdʒ /
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