mess 英 [mes]   美 [mɛs]


mess  英 [mes] 美 [mɛs]

n. 混乱;  v. 弄乱,弄脏; 

进行时:messing  过去式:messed  过去分词:messed  第三人称单数:messes  名词复数:messes 

The room was in a mess. 这个房间杂乱不堪。
The kids made a mess in the bathroom. 孩子们在卫生间弄的一团糟。

  • A mess is a generally dirty state, like your bedroom, your hair, or anything else that's untidy. If you make a huge mess when you cook, you probably try to get someone else to do the clean-up.
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  • n. 混乱;
  • v. 弄乱,弄脏;
  • 1. The room was in a mess.


  • 2. The kids made a mess in the bathroom.


  • 3. ‘ What a mess!’ she said,


  • 4. My hair is a real mess!


  • 5. The economy is in a mess.


  • 6. I feel I've made a mess ofthings.


  • 7. The whole situation is a mess.


  • 8. You're a mess!


  • 9. Careful—you're messing my hair.


  • mess (n.) c. 1300, "food for one meal, pottage," from Old French mes "portion of food, course at dinner," from Late Latin missus "course at dinner," literally "a placing, a putting (on a table, etc.)," from past participle of mittere "to put, place," in classical Latin "to send, let go" (see mission).
  • mess (v.) late 14c., "serve up in portions," from mess (n.). Meaning "take one's meals" is from 1701; that of "make a mess" is from 1853. Related: Messed; messing. To mess with "interfere, get involved" is from 1903; mess up "make a mistake, get in trouble" is from 1933 (earlier "make a mess of," 1909), both originally American English colloquial.
mess / mes ; NAmE mes / noun , verb mess messes messed messing noun untidy state 不整洁 1 [countable ,  usually singular ] a dirty or untidy state 肮脏;杂乱;不整洁 The room was in a mess. 这个房间杂乱不堪。 The kids made a messin the bathroom. 孩子们把浴室搞得一塌糊涂。 What a mess!’ she said, surveying the scene after the party. 看着聚会后的场面,她说:“真是一片狼藉!” My hair's a real mess! 我的头发太乱了。 difficult situation 困境 2 [countable ,  usually singular ] a situation that is full of problems, usually because of a lack of organization or because of mistakes that sb has made (组织欠佳或人为导致的)麻烦,困境,混乱 The economy is in a mess. 经济陷入了困境。 I feel I've made a mess ofthings. 我觉得我把事情搞糟了。 The whole situation is a mess. 整个情况都是一团糟。 Let's try to sort out the mess. 我们来收拾一下残局吧。 The biggest question is how they got into this mess in the first place. 关键问题是他们是怎么惹出这样的麻烦的。 person 3 [singular ] a person who is dirty or whose clothes and hair are not tidy 不整洁(或邋遢、不修边幅)的人 You're a mess! 你真邋遢! 4 [singular ] ( informal) a person who has serious problems and is in a bad mental condition 有严重问题且精神失常的人 animal waste 动物粪便 5 [uncountable ,  countable ] ( informal) the excrement (= solid waste matter)of an animal, usually a dog or cat (狗、猫等的)粪便 a lot 许多 6 [singular ] a messof sth ( NAmE) ( informal) a lot of sth 许多;大量 There's a mess of fish down there, so get your lines in the water. 那底下有很多鱼,快下钩吧。 armed forces 武装力量 7 [countable ] ( also ˈmess hall especially in NAmE ) a building or room in which members of the armed forces have their meals (军队的)食堂,餐厅 the officers' mess 军官食堂 verb make untidy 使不整洁 1 [transitive ] messsth ( informal) ( especially NAmE) to make sth dirty or untidy 使不整洁;弄脏;弄乱 Careful—you're messing my hair. 小心,你弄乱我的头发了。 of an animal 动物 2 [intransitive ] to empty its bowelssomewhere that it should not 随地便溺 IDIOMS ˌno ˈmessing ( informal) used to say that sth has been done easily 毫不费力;不费吹灰之力;轻而易举 We finished in time, no messing. 我们不费吹灰之力,就按时完成了。 not mess aˈround ( BrE also not mess aˈbout ) ( informal) to do sth quickly, efficiently or in the right way 不磨蹭;不拖沓;麻利地做;妥善处理 When they decide to have a party they don't mess around. 他们决定搞聚会,便会迅速操办起来。 PHRASAL VERBS ˌmess aˈround ( BrE also ˌmess aˈbout ) 1 to behave in a silly and annoying way, especially instead of doing sth useful 胡闹;瞎闹 SYN fool around Will you stop messing around and get on with some work? 别瞎闹了,干点正经事儿不行吗? 2 to spend time doing sth for pleasure in a relaxed way 逍遥自在地做事 We spent the day messing around on the river. 我们在河边闲逛了一整天。 ˌmess aˈround with sb ( BrE also ˌmess aˈbout with sb ) to have a sexual relationship with sb, especially when you should not 勾搭;与某人调情;随便与人发生性关系 ˌmess aˈround with sth ( BrE also ˌmess aˈbout with sth ) 1 to touch or use sth in a careless and/or annoying way 乱弄;玩弄 Who's been messing around with my computer? 谁瞎动过我的电脑? 2 to spend time playing with sth, repairing sth, etc. 花时间摆弄(或修理等);瞎忙活 ˌmess sb aˈbout/aˈround ( BrE) to treat sb in an unfair and annoying way, especially by changing your mind a lot or not doing what you said you would 粗鲁地(或轻率地)对待 ˌmess ˈup | ˌmess sth↔ˈup to spoil sth or do it badly 把…弄糟;胡乱地做 I've really messed up this time. 这次我真的把事情给弄糟了。 If you cancel now you'll mess up all my arrangements. 如果你现在取消,就会破坏我所有的安排。 ˌmess sb↔ˈup 1 ( informal) to cause sb to have serious emotional or mental problems 使心情恶劣;使精神崩溃 2 ( NAmE) ( informal) to physically hurt sb, especially by hitting them 使身体受伤;殴打 He was messed up pretty bad by the other guy. 他被另一个家伙打成了重伤。 ˌmess sth↔ˈup to make sth dirty or untidy 使不整洁;弄脏;弄乱 I don't want you messing up my nice clean kitchen. 我不想让你弄脏我这整洁的厨房。 ˈmess with sb/sth ( usually used in negative sentences 通常用于否定句 ) to get involved with sb/sth that may be harmful 卷入不好的事;与某人有牵连 I wouldn't mess with him if I were you. 我要是你就会离他远点儿。 mess / mes ; NAmE mes /
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