jetsam 英 [ˈdʒetsəm]   美 [ˈdʒɛtsəm]


jetsam  英 [ˈdʒetsəm] 美 [ˈdʒɛtsəm]

n. 漂流到海岸的货物;投弃货物;[水运] 船舶遇险时投弃的货物 


Sick and starving refugees are the flotsam and jetsam of war. 生病和饥饿的难民是遭战祸而流离失所的苦命人。
The smallest bits of jetsam, like the most transient incidents in a life, can be the most evocative. 这最小的一块废弃物,正如生命中最容易转瞬即逝的事情一样,应该是最能唤起记忆的东西。

  • Jetsam is wreckage from a ship floating in the water. If you see jetsam, there must've been an accident at sea.
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  • n. 漂流到海岸的货物;投弃货物;[水运] 船舶遇险时投弃的货物
  • 1. Sick and starving refugees are the flotsam and jetsam of war.


  • 2. The smallest bits of jetsam, like the most transient incidents in a life, can be the most evocative.


  • 3. The beaches are wide and filled with interesting flotsam and jetsam .

    海滩宽阔,到处是有趣的被冲上岸的零碎杂物。 。

  • jetsam (n.) 1560s, jottsome "act of throwing goods overboard to lighten a ship," alteration and contraction of Middle English jetteson, from Anglo-French getteson, Old French getaison "a throwing" (see jettison). Intermediate forms were jetson, jetsome; the form perhaps was deformed by influence of flotsam. From 1590s as "goods thrown overboard;" figurative use by 1861. For distinction of meaning, see flotsam.
jet·sam / ˈdʒetsəm ; NAmE ˈdʒetsəm / noun things that are thrown away, especially from a ship at sea and that float towards land (尤指冲到岸边的)船上投弃物 compare flotsam  (1 ) jet·sam / ˈdʒetsəm ; NAmE ˈdʒetsəm /
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