jettison 英 [ˈdʒetɪsn]   美 [ˈdʒɛtɪsən, -zən]


jettison  英 [ˈdʒetɪsn] 美 [ˈdʒɛtɪsən, -zən]

n. 投弃;投弃货物  vt. 投弃(船舶遇难时投弃货物以为减轻负载) 

进行时:jettisoning  过去式:jettisoned  过去分词:jettisoned  第三人称单数:jettisons  名词复数:jettisons 

With a federal election due by September 2009 each partner in the grand coalition can do little but think of how to win by a margin wide enough to jettison the other. 德国在2009年九月将进行联邦选举,使得大联合政府的每一位成员都想着如何才 能与对手拉开足够大的差距以赢得选举。
With that deterioration comes a question: will the worsening conditions force the incoming president to jettison the economic strategy he laid out during the campaign and formulate a new one? 随着恶化而面临的一个问题就是:越来越糟的形式是否会迫使新任的总统放弃竞选时的经济政策而设计一套新的政策?

  • Jettison means to push to the side or toss away. If a boat is leaking or an airplane is running out of fuel, you can buy more time by jettisoning cargo, or throwing it overboard.
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  • n. 投弃;投弃货物
  • vt. 投弃(船舶遇难时投弃货物以为减轻负载)
  • 1. With a federal election due by September 2009 each partner in the grand coalition can do little but think of how to win by a margin wide enough to jettison the other.

    德国在2009年九月将进行联邦选举,使得大联合政府的每一位成员都想着如何才 能与对手拉开足够大的差距以赢得选举。

  • 2. With that deterioration comes a question: will the worsening conditions force the incoming president to jettison the economic strategy he laid out during the campaign and formulate a new one?


  • jettison (v.) 1848, "to throw overboard," especially to save a ship in danger, from jettison (n.) "act of throwing overboard" to lighten a ship. This noun was an 18c. Marine Insurance writers' restoration of the earlier form and original sense of the 15c. word that had become jetsam, probably because jetsam had taken on a sense of "things cast overboard" and an unambiguous word was needed for "act of casting things overboard."
jet·ti·son / ˈdʒetɪsn ; NAmE ˈdʒetɪsn / verb 1 jettisonsth to throw sth out of a moving plane or ship to make it lighter (为减轻重量而从行驶的飞机或船上)扔弃,丢弃,投弃 to jettison fuel 投弃燃料 2 jettisonsth/sb to get rid of sth/sb that you no longer need or want 摆脱;除掉;处理掉 SYN discard He was jettisoned as team coach after the defeat. 他因这次失败被撤销了运动队教练职务。 3 jettisonsth to reject an idea, belief, plan, etc. that you no longer think is useful or likely to be successful 放弃,拒绝接受(想法、信念、计划等) SYN abandon jettison jettisons jettisoned jettisoning jet·ti·son / ˈdʒetɪsn ; NAmE ˈdʒetɪsn /
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