hike 英 [haɪk]   美 [haɪk]


hike  英 [haɪk] 美 [haɪk]

v. 远足;提高  n. 远足;徒步旅行;涨价 

进行时:hiking  过去式:hiked  过去分词:hiked  第三人称单数:hikes  名词复数:hikes 

He wants to hike round the world. 他打算徒步旅行环游世界一周。
They went on a ten-mile hike 他们进行了一次十英里徒步旅行。

  • To hike is to walk a long way at a leisurely pace. You might love to hike in the woods on weekends.
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  • v. 远足;提高
  • n. 远足;徒步旅行;涨价
  • 1. He wants to hike round the world.


  • 2. They went on a ten-mile hike


  • 3. We could go into town but it's a real hike from here.


  • 4. If the weather's fine, we'll go hiking this weekend.


  • 5. to hike the Rockies


  • 6. The government hiked up the price of milk by over 40%.


  • 7. a tax hike, a price hike


  • 8. the latest hike in interest rates


  • hike (n.) 1865, from hike (v.).
  • hike (v.) 1809, hyke "to walk vigorously," an English dialectal word of unknown origin. A yike from 1736 answers to the sense. Not in widespread popular use until early 20c.
hike / haɪk ; NAmE haɪk / noun , verb hike hikes hiked hiking noun 1 a long walk in the country 远足;徒步旅行 They went on a ten-mile hike through the forest. 他们进行了一次穿越森林的十英里徒步旅行。 We could go into town but it's a real hike (= a long way)from here. 我们本可以进城去,但走到那儿实在太远。 2 ( informal) a large or sudden increase in prices, costs, etc. (价格、花费等的)大幅度提高,猛增 a tax/price hike 税额╱价格的大幅度增长 hikein sth the latest hike in interest rates 新近利率的大幅上扬 IDIOM take a ˈhike ( NAmE) ( informal) a rude way of telling sb to go away 滚开;走开 verb 1 [intransitive ,  transitive ] to go for a long walk in the country, especially for pleasure 去…远足;做徒步旅行 strong boots for hiking over rough country 适合在崎岖不平的山路徒步旅行用的结实靴子 hikesth ( NAmE) to hike the Rockies 去落基山脉徒步旅行 2 [intransitive ] go hiking to spend time hikingfor pleasure 远足;徒步旅行 If the weather's fine, we'll go hiking this weekend. 如果天气好,我们这个周末就去远足。 3 [transitive ] hikesth (up) to increase prices, taxes, etc. suddenly by large amounts 把(价格、税率等)大幅提高 The government hiked up the price of milk by over 40%. 政府把牛奶的价格提高了四成多。 PHRASAL VERB ˌhike sth↔ˈup ( informal) to pull or lift sth up, especially your clothing 拉起,提起(衣服等) SYN hitch up She hiked up her skirt and waded into the river. 她提起裙子走进河水中。 hike / haɪk ; NAmE haɪk /
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