guitarist 英 [gɪˈtɑ:rɪst]  


guitarist  英 [gɪˈtɑ:rɪst]

n. 吉他弹奏者 


Here he is voicing the words to a song he wrote in the nineteen sixties. The music is written and played by the great jazz guitarist Charlie Byrd. 下面他正在朗读的一段歌词写于二十世纪六十年代,这首歌的曲子和演唱是由著名的爵士吉他演奏家查理.伯德完成的。
After class, the band would do the rounds of the nightclubs of Taiyuan, with Wang its lead singer/guitarist. 课余,乐队的主心骨和吉他手小王,就带着成员到太原的夜总会去跑场演出。

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  • n. 吉他弹奏者
  • 1. Here he is voicing the words to a song he wrote in the nineteen sixties. The music is written and played by the great jazz guitarist Charlie Byrd.


  • 2. After class, the band would do the rounds of the nightclubs of Taiyuan, with Wang its lead singer/guitarist.


  • 3. In this article from 1993, we see just how far-reaching and significant this visionary guitarist and inventor was.


gui·tar·ist / ɡɪˈtɑːrɪst ; NAmE ɡɪˈtɑːrɪst / noun a person who plays the guitar 吉他弹奏者;吉他手 guitarist guitarists gui·tar·ist / ɡɪˈtɑːrɪst ; NAmE ɡɪˈtɑːrɪst /
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