harangue 英 [həˈræŋ]   美 [həˈræŋ]


harangue  英 [həˈræŋ] 美 [həˈræŋ]

n. 长篇大论;高谈阔论;热烈的演说  vt. 向…滔滔不绝地演讲;大声训斥  vi. 高谈阔论;慷慨陈词 

进行时:haranguing  过去式:harangued  过去分词:harangued  第三人称单数:harangues  名词复数:harangues 

They will hesitate to come to the manager with the problem again, because they won't want to sit through another harangue. 被咆哮者再次遇见问题时将会犹疑着去报告经理,因为他们不想耐着性子听完另一次长篇大论。
Russia's state-run television, which frequently airs news flattering of Russia's leadership, broadcast Mr. Medvedev's harangue without showing Mr. Kudrin's reply. 俄罗斯国有电视台播出了梅德韦杰夫的长篇大论,但没有播出库德林的回应。 俄罗斯国有电视台经常播出讨好俄罗斯领导人的新闻。

  • A harangue is more than a speech, louder than a discussion, and nastier than a lecture. It is a verbal attack that doesn't let up, delivered as a verb or received as a noun. Either way, it's pretty unpleasant.
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  • n. 长篇大论;高谈阔论;热烈的演说
  • vt. 向…滔滔不绝地演讲;大声训斥
  • vi. 高谈阔论;慷慨陈词
  • 1. They will hesitate to come to the manager with the problem again, because they won't want to sit through another harangue.


  • 2. Russia's state-run television, which frequently airs news flattering of Russia's leadership, broadcast Mr. Medvedev's harangue without showing Mr. Kudrin's reply.

    俄罗斯国有电视台播出了梅德韦杰夫的长篇大论,但没有播出库德林的回应。 俄罗斯国有电视台经常播出讨好俄罗斯领导人的新闻。

  • 3. EVEN as America’s politicians harangue the bankers, the bankers are sniping back.


  • harangue (n.) mid-15c., arang, Scottish (in English from c. 1600), from Middle French harangue "a public address" (14c.), from Old Italian aringo "public square, platform; pulpit; arena," from a Germanic source such as Old High German hring "circle" (see ring (n.1)) on the notion of "circular gathering," with an -a- inserted to ease Romanic pronunciation of Germanic hr- (compare hamper (n.1)). But Watkins and Barnhart suggest a Germanic compound, *harihring "circular gathering, assembly," literally "host-ring, army-ring," with first element *hari- "war-band, host" (see harry (v.)). From the same Germanic "ring" root via Romanic come rank (n.), range (v.), arrange.
  • harangue (v.) 1650s, from French haranguer (15c.), from Middle French harangue (see harangue (n.)). Related: Harangued; haranguing.
har·angue / həˈræŋ ; NAmE həˈræŋ / verb , noun harangue harangues harangued haranguing verb haranguesb to speak loudly and angrily in a way that criticizes sb/sth or tries to persuade people to do sth 呵斥;大声谴责;慷慨激昂地劝说 noun a long loud angry speech that criticizes sb/sth or tries to persuade people to do sth 义愤填膺的谴责;慷慨激昂的劝说 har·angue / həˈræŋ ; NAmE həˈræŋ /
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