- When used as a noun, fair refers to a traveling show with games, rides, and farmers showing off their prized pigs, similar to a carnival. As an adjective, it gets a bit trickier.
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- adj. 公平的;白皙的;相当的(quite good)
- n. 展会;集市(公平贸易的地方);
1. a fair deal, a fair price, a fair question
2. Was it fair for him to do all the work?
3. To be fair,she behaved better than we expected.
4. to receive a fair trial
5. A fair number of people came along.
6. There's a fair chance that we might win this time.
7. She has long fair hair.
8. a fair and breezy day
9. a fair lady
10. Let's take the kids to the fair.
11. the state fair
12. a world trade fair
13. I have a fair idea of what happened.
- fair (adj.) Old English fæger "pleasing to the sight (of persons and body features, also of objects, places, etc.); beautiful, handsome, attractive," of weather, "bright, clear, pleasant; not rainy," also in late Old English "morally good," from Proto-Germanic *fagraz (source also of Old Saxon fagar, Old Norse fagr, Swedish fager, Old High German fagar "beautiful," Gothic fagrs "fit"), perhaps from PIE *pek- (1) "to make pretty" (source also of Lithuanian puošiu "I decorate").
- fair (adv.) Old English fægere "beautifully," from fæger "beautiful" (see fair (adj.)). From c. 1300 as "honorably;" mid-14c. as "correctly; direct;" from 1510s as "clearly." Fair and square is from c. 1600. Fair-to-middling is from 1829, of livestock markets.
- fair (n.) "a stated market in a town or city; a regular meeting to buy, sell, or trade," early 14c., from Anglo-French feyre (late 13c.), from Old French feire, faire "fair, market; feast day," from Vulgar Latin *feria "holiday, market fair," from Latin feriae "religious festivals, holidays," related to festus "solemn, festive, joyous" (see feast (n.)).
fair ★ / feə(r) ; NAmE fer / adjective , adverb , noun fair fairs fairer fairest adjective ★ ( fair·er , fair·est ) acceptable/appropriate 可接受;恰当 1 ★ acceptable and appropriate in a particular situation 合理的;恰当的;适当的 ◆ a fair deal/wage/price/question 公平交易;合理的工资;公道的价格;恰当的问题 ◆ The punishment was very fair. 这个处罚很公正。 fairto sb (to do sth) ◆ Was it really fair to him to ask him to do all the work? 要他做所有的工作对他真的公平吗? fairon sb (to do sth) ◆ It's not fair on the students to keep changing the timetable. 不断改动时间表,这样对待学生不恰当。 fairto do sth ◆ It's only fairto add that they were not told about the problem until the last minute. 要补充说明以下情况才合理,即他们是最后一刻才获知这个问题。 ◆ I think it is fair to say thatthey are pleased with this latest offer. 我认为恰当地说,他们对最新的这一次提议很满意。 fairthat… ◆ It seems only fair that they should give us something in return. 似乎他们应该给我们点什么作为回报才像话。 ◆ To be fair,she behaved better than we expected. 说句公道话,她表现得比我们预期的要好。 ◆ ( especially BrE) ‘You should really have asked me first.’ ‘Right, okay, fair comment.’ “你本来应该先问我。”“对,是的,是这样。” OPP unfair treating people equally 一视同仁 2 ★ treating everyone equally and according to the rules or law (按法律、规定)平等待人的,秉公办事的,公正的 ◆ She has always been scrupulously fair. 她总是一丝不苟地秉公办事。 ◆ demands for a fairer distribution of wealth 更加公平分配财富的要求 fair(to sb) ◆ We have to be fair to both players. 我们必须公正对待双方运动员。 ◆ to receive a fair trial 得到公正审判 ◆ free and fair elections 自由公正的选举 ◆ It's not fair!He always gets more than me. 这不公平!他得到的总比我多。 ◆ The new tax is fairer than the old system. 新税制比旧税制公正。 OPP unfair quite large 相当大 3 ★ [only before noun ] quite large in number, size or amount (数量、大小)相当大的 ◆ A fair number of people came along. 有相当多的人来了。 ◆ a fair-sized town 一座不小的市镇 ◆ We've still got a fair bit (= quite a lot)to do. 我们还有相当多的事要做。 quite good 相当好 4 ( especially BrE) quite good 相当好的;不错的 ◆ There's a fair chancethat we might win this time. 这次我们可能胜算很大。 ◆ It's a fair bet that they won't turn up. 我敢打赌,他们不会出席。 ◆ I have a fair idea of what happened. 我相当了解发生的事。 ◆ His knowledge of French is only fair. 他的法语知识还算可以。 hair/skin 头发;皮肤 5 ★ pale in colour 浅色的;白晰的 ◆ a fair complexion 白晰的肤色 ◆ She has long fair hair. 她有一头浅色长发。 ◆ All her children are fair (= they all have fair hair). 她的孩子们都长着淡色的头发。 OPP dark weather 天气 6 ★ bright and not raining 晴朗的 SYN fine ◆ a fair and breezy day 风和日丽的日子 7 ( literary) (of winds 风 ) not too strong and blowing in the right direction 顺风的 ◆ They set sail with the first fair wind. 顺风一起他们就扬帆出航了。 beautiful 美丽 8 ( literary or old use) beautiful 美丽的 ◆ a fair maiden 美丽的少女 IDIOMS ˌall's ˌfair in ˌlove and ˈwar ( saying) in some situations any type of behaviour is acceptable to get what you want 在情场和战场上可以不择手段 be ˈfair! ( informal) used to tell sb to be reasonable in their judgement of sb/sth 要讲道理 ◆ Be fair! She didn't know you were coming. 要讲道理!她不知道你要来。 by fair means or ˈfoul using dishonest methods if honest ones do not work 不择手段 a fair crack of the ˈwhip ( BrE) ( informal) a reasonable opportunity to show that you can do sth (做某事的)合理机会 ◆ I felt we weren't given a fair crack of the whip. 我觉得我们没有得到合理的机会。 fair eˈnough ( informal) ( especially BrE) used to say that an idea or suggestion seems reasonable (指想法、建议)有道理,说得对,行 ◆ ‘We'll meet at 8.’ ‘Fair enough.’ “我们在 8 点钟见面。”“行。” ◆ If you don't want to come, fair enough, but let Bill know. 你要是不想来,可以,不过要让比尔知道。 fair's ˈfair ( informal) ( BrE also fair ˈdos/ˈdo's ) used, especially as an exclamation, to say that you think that an action, decision, etc. is acceptable and appropriate because it means that everyone will be treated fairly (尤用作感叹词,表示认为行动、决定等可以接受)彼此都要公平,应该公正才是 ◆ Fair's fair—you can't expect them to cancel everything just because you can't make it. 彼此都要公平,不可能就因为你不能出席就指望他们取消一切。 (give sb) a fair ˈhearing (to allow sb) the opportunity to give their opinion of sth before deciding if they have done sth wrong, often in court (给某人)申辩机会;(让某人接受)公平审讯 ◆ I'll see that you get a fair hearing. 我务必使你有说明观点的机会。 (give sb/get) a fair ˈshake ( NAmE) ( informal) (to give sb/get) fair treatment that gives you the same chance as sb else (给某人╱得到)公平待遇 (more than) your fair share of sth (more than) an amount of sth that is considered to be reasonable or acceptable (超过)合理的数量,恰当的数量 ◆ He has more than his fair share of problems. 他的问题过多。 ◆ I've had my fair share of success in the past. 过去我已经取得了应有的成功。 fair to ˈmiddling ( old-fashioned) not particularly good or bad 一般水平;不过不失 it's a fair ˈcop ( BrE) ( informal, humorous) used by sb who is caught doing sth wrong, to say that they admit that they are wrong (当场被抓获时说)这是罪有应得,抓得有理 adverb according to the rules; in a way that is considered to be acceptable and appropriate 按照规则;公正地;公平合理地 ◆ Come on, you two, fight fair! 得了,你们俩,要按规则比赛! ◆ They'll respect you as long as you play fair (= behave honestly). 只要为人正直,别人就会尊敬你。 IDIOMS fair and ˈsquare | fairly and ˈsquarely 1 honestly and according to the rules 诚实;光明正大 ◆ We won the election fair and square. 我们光明正大地竞选获胜。 2 ( BrE) in a direct way that is easy to understand 直截了当 ◆ I told him fair and square to pack his bags. 我直截了当让他收拾好行李走人。 3 ( BrE) exactly in the place you were aiming for 不偏不斜 ◆ I hit the target fair and square. 我不偏不斜正中靶子。 set fair (to do sth/for sth) ( BrE) having the necessary qualities or conditions to succeed 有成功的素质;具备成功的条件 ◆ She seems set fair to win the championship. 她似乎具备夺冠的条件。 ◆ Conditions were set fair for stable economic development. 形势适合经济稳定发展。 ☞more at say v. noun entertainment 娱乐 1 ( BrE also fun·fair ) ( NAmE also car·ni·val ) a type of entertainment in a field or park at which people can ride on large machines and play games to win prizes 露天游乐场 ◆ Let's take the kids to the fair. 咱们带孩子们到游乐场吧。 ◆ all the fun of the fair 露天游乐园的一切乐趣 2 ( NAmE) a type of entertainment in a field or park at which farm animals and products are shown and take part in competitions (评比农畜产品的)集市 ◆ the county/state fair 县╱州农畜产品集市 3 ( BrE) = fete business 商业 4 an event at which people, businesses, etc. show and sell their goods 商品交易会;展销会 ◆ a world trade fair 世界交易会 ◆ a craft/a book/an antique fair 工艺品展销会;书市;古玩交易会 animal market 牲畜市场 5 ( BrE) (in the past) a market at which animals were sold (旧时)牲畜市场 ◆ a horse fair 马市 jobs 工作 6 job/careers ~ an event at which people who are looking for jobs can get information about companies who might employ them 职业介绍会;就业展览会 fair / feə(r) ; NAmE fer /
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