- Think of the environment as everything that is around you. A quiet room with good lighting and no distractions is a good environment for doing homework, or at least that's what your parents and teachers think.
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- n. 环境
1. severe environment
2. a pleasant working environment, a pleasant learning environment
3. An unhappy home environmentcan affect a child's behaviour.
4. the political environment
5. measures to protect the environment
6. damage to the environment
7. pollution of the environment
en·vir·on·ment ★ AWL / ɪnˈvaɪrənmənt ; NAmE ɪnˈvaɪrənmənt / noun 1 ★ [countable , uncountable ] the conditions that affect the behaviour and development of sb/sth; the physical conditions that sb/sth exists in (影响个体行为或事物发展的)环境;客观环境 ◆ a pleasant working/learning environment 令人愉快的工作╱学习环境 ◆ An unhappy home environmentcan affect a child's behaviour. 不幸的家庭环境可能对孩子的行为造成影响。 ◆ They have created an environment in which productivity should flourish. 他们创造了一种可以大大提高生产力的环境。 ◆ the political environment 政治环境 ◆ tests carried out in a controlled environment 在受控环境下进行的试验 2 ★ the environment [singular ] the natural world in which people, animals and plants live 自然环境;生态环境 ◆ the Department of the Environment 环境事务部 ◆ measures to protect the environment 保护环境的措施 ◆ pollution of the environment 环境污染 ◆ damage to the environment 对环境的破坏 3 [countable ] ( computing 计 ) the complete structure within which a user, computer or program operates (运行)环境;工作平台;软件包 ◆ a desktop development environment 桌面开发环境 SYNONYMS 同义词辨析 environment setting ◆surroundings ◆background These are all words for the type of place in which sb/sth exists or is situated. 以上各词均指人或事物生存或所处的环境。 ■ environment the conditions in a place that affect the behaviour and development of sb/sth 指影响人或事物的行为或发展的环境: ◆ An unhappy home environmentcan affect children's behaviour. 不幸的家庭环境可能对孩子的行为造成影响。 ◆ a pleasant working environment 令人愉快的工作环境 ■ setting a place or situation of a particular type, in which sth happens or exists 指事物所处的环境或发生的背景: ◆ The island provided an idyllic setting for the concert. 这岛为音乐会提供了优美的田园布景。 ■ surroundings everything that is around or near sb/sth 指周围的环境: ◆ The huts blend in perfectly with their surroundings. 这些棚屋与周围的环境浑然一体,非常和谐。 ■ background the things or area behind or around the main objects or people that are in a place or picture 指对主要人物、事物起衬托作用的事物、背景: ◆ The mountains in the background were capped with snow. 远处的山峦白雪覆盖。 PATTERNS ◆ in(a/an) environment/setting/surroundings ◆ (a/an) new / new environment/setting/surroundings ◆ sb/sth's immediateenvironment/surroundings ◆ (a) dramaticsetting/background COLLOCATIONS 词语搭配 The environment 环境 Environmental damage 环境破坏 ■ cause/contribute toclimate change/global warming 引起气候变化/全球变暖 ■ producepollution/CO 2/greenhouse (gas) emissions 产生污染/二氧化碳/温室气体排放 ■ damage/destroythe environment/a marine ecosystem/the ozone layer/coral reefs 破坏环境/海洋生态系统/臭氧层/珊瑚礁 ■ degradeecosystems/habitats/the environment 使生态系统/栖息地/环境退化 ■ harmthe environment/wildlife/marine life 危害环境/野生动物/海洋生物 ■ threatennatural habitats/coastal ecosystems/a species with extinction 构成对自然栖息地/沿海生态系统/物种灭绝的威胁 ■ depletenatural resources/the ozone layer 大量损耗自然资源/臭氧层 ■ polluterivers and lakes/waterways/the air/the atmosphere/the environment/oceans 污染河流湖泊/航道/空气/大气层/环境/海洋 ■ contaminategroundwater/the soil/food/crops 污染地下水/土壤/食物/庄稼 ■ logforests/rainforests/trees 采伐森林/热带雨林/树木 Protecting the environment 保护环境 ■ address/combat/tacklethe threat/effects/impact of climate change 设法解决/防止/应对气候变化带来的威胁/影响/冲击 ■ fight/take action on/reduce/stopglobal warming 对抗/采取行动应对/减缓/阻止全球变暖 ■ limit/curb/controlair/water/atmospheric/environmental pollution 控制空气/水/大气/环境污染 ■ cut/reducepollution/greenhouse gas emissions 减少污染/温室气体排放 ■ offsetcarbon/CO 2emissions 抵消碳/二氧化碳的排放 ■ reduce(the size of) your carbon footprint 减少碳足迹(量) ■ achieve/promotesustainable development 实现/促进可持续发展 ■ preserve/conservebiodiversity/natural resources 保持生物多样性;保护自然资源 ■ protectendangered species/a coastal ecosystem 保护濒危物种/沿海生态系统 ■ prevent/stopsoil erosion/overfishing/massive deforestation/damage to ecosystems 防止/阻止水土流失/过度捕捞/大面积森林砍伐/对生态系统的破坏 ■ raiseawareness of environmental issues 增强环境意识 ■ savethe planet/the rainforests/an endangered species 拯救地球/热带雨林/濒危物种 Energy and resources 能源和资源 ■ conserve/save/consume/wasteenergy 保护/节约/消耗/浪费能源 ■ manage/exploit/be rich innatural resources 管理/开发/有丰富的自然资源 ■ dump/dispose ofhazardous/toxic/nuclear waste 倾倒/处理有害/有毒/核废料 ■ dispose of/throw awaylitter/( especially BrE) rubbish/( especially NAmE) garbage/( NAmE) trash/sewage 处理/扔掉垃圾/废物/污水 ■ use/be made fromrecycled/recyclable/biodegradable material 使用回收/可回收/可生物降解材料;由回收/可回收/可生物降解材料制成 ■ recyclebottles/packaging/paper/plastic/waste 回收瓶子/包装材料/纸/塑料/废品 ■ promote/encouragerecycling/sustainable development/the use of renewable energy 促进/鼓励回收利用/可持续发展/使用可再生能源 ■ develop/invest in/promoterenewable energy 研发/投资/推动可再生能源 ■ reduceyour dependence/reliance on fossil fuels 减少对化石燃料的依赖 ■ get/obtain/generate/produceelectricity from wind, solar and wave power/renewable sources 利用风、太阳能、潮汐/可再生能源发电 ■ build/developa (50-megawatt/offshore) wind farm 修建一座(50 兆瓦/海上)风力发电站 ■ install/be fitted with/be powered bysolar panels 安装太阳能板;由太阳能板提供动力 environment environments en·vir·on·ment / ɪnˈvaɪrənmənt ; NAmE ɪnˈvaɪrənmənt /
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