ease 英 [i:z]   美 [iz]


ease  英 [i:z] 美 [iz]

vt. 减轻,缓和;使安心  n. 轻松,舒适;安逸,悠闲  vi. 减轻,缓和;放松;灵活地移动 

进行时:easing  过去式:eased  过去分词:eased  第三人称单数:eases  名词复数:eases 

ease off that rope a bit. 把那根缆绳放松一点。
Doctors have temporarily removed about half of her skull to ease pressure. 医生已临时取掉了她近一半的头骨以减轻压力。

  • Ease means to lessen or release, often making something possible in the meantime. When you put someone at their ease, you lessen their discomfort. When you ease into a chair, you gently release yourself into it.
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  • vt. 减轻,缓和;使安心
  • n. 轻松,舒适;安逸,悠闲
  • vi. 减轻,缓和;放松;灵活地移动
  • 1. ease off that rope a bit.


  • 2. Doctors have temporarily removed about half of her skull to ease pressure.


  • 3. The situation should ease up now that the two countries are prepared to talk.


  • ease (n.) c. 1200, "physical comfort, undisturbed state of the body; tranquility, peace of mind," from Old French aise "comfort, pleasure, well-being; opportunity," which according to Watkins is ultimately from Latin adiacens "lying at," present participle of adiacere "lie at, border upon, lie near," from ad "to" (see ad-) + iacere "to lie, rest," literally "to throw" (from PIE root *ye- "to throw, impel"). Compare adagio.
  • ease (v.) c. 1300, "to help, assist," from Old French aiser, from aise (see ease (n.)). Meaning "to give ease, mitigate, alleviate, relieve from pain or care" is from mid-14c. Meaning "render less difficult" is from 1630s; the sense of "to relax one's efforts" is from 1863 (with up by 1907, earlier with a more specific sense in sailing). Farmer reports ease in a slang sense of "to content a woman" sexually, with an 1861 date. Related: Eased; easing.
ease / iːz ; NAmE iːz / noun , verb ease eases eased easing noun [uncountable ] 1 lack of difficulty 容易;轻易;不费劲 He passed the exam with ease. 他轻而易举地通过了考试。 The ease with which she learns languages is astonishing. 她学习语言之轻松令人惊讶。 This computer is popular for its good design and ease of use. 这种计算机因设计巧妙、简单易用而广受欢迎。 All important points are numbered for ease ofreference (= so that you can find them easily). 全部重点均编了号码以便查阅。 2 the state of feeling relaxed or comfortable without worries, problems or pain 舒适;安逸;自在;无忧无虑 In his retirement, he lived a life of ease. 他退休后过着悠闲舒适的生活。 IDIOMS (stand) at ˈease used as a command to soldiers to tell them to stand with their feet apart and their hands behind their backs (对士兵的命令用语)稍息 compare attention n.  (5 ) at (your) ˈease relaxed and confident and not nervous or embarrassed 舒适;自由自在;无拘无束 I never feel completely at ease with him. 我跟他在一起总感到不是很自在。 put sb at (their) ˈease to make sb feel relaxed and confident, not nervous or embarrassed 使舒适;使自在;使不受拘束 more at ill adj. , mind n. verb 1 [intransitive ,  transitive ] to become or to make sth less unpleasant, painful, severe, etc. (使)宽慰;减轻;缓解 SYN alleviate The pain immediately eased. 疼痛立刻减轻了。 easesth This should help ease the pain. 这该有助于减轻痛楚。 The plan should ease traffic congestion in the town. 这项计划对城里的交通拥挤状况应该有所缓解。 It would ease my mind (= make me less worried)to know that she was settled. 知道她已安顿下来会使我放心些。 2 [intransitive ,  transitive ] to move, or to move sb/sth, slowly and carefully (使)小心缓缓地移动 + adv./prep. He eased slowly forwards. 他缓缓向前移动。 easesb/sth + adv./prep. She eased herself into a chair. 她轻手轻脚地坐到椅子上。 He eased off (= took off)his shoes. 他慢慢地脱下鞋子。 3 [transitive ] easesth to make sth easier 使…容易些 Ramps have been built to ease access for the disabled. 为方便残疾人的出入修建了坡道。 4 [transitive ,  intransitive ] ease(sth) to make sth or to become less tight and more relaxed (使)缓和,放松 SYN relax Ease your grip on the wheel a little. 握方向盘的手放松一点。 5 [intransitive ,  transitive ] ease(sth) to become or make sth lower in price or value 降低;(使)贬值 SYN reduce Share prices eased back from yesterday's levels. 股价从昨天的水平上回落了。 PHRASAL VERBS ˈease into sth | ˈease yourself/sb into sth to become or help sb to become familiar with sth new, especially a new job 熟悉,使熟悉(新事物,尤指新工作) ˌease ˈoff | ˌease ˈoff sth to become or make sth become less strong, unpleasant, etc. 减轻;放松 We waited until the traffic had eased off. 我们一直等到交通缓解。 Ease off the training a few days before the race. 比赛前几天要减轻训练强度。 ˌease sb↔ˈout (of sth) to force sb to leave a job or position of authority, especially by making it difficult or unpleasant for them over a period of time (尤指故意为难)迫使某人离开(工作岗位等) ˌease ˈup 1 to reduce the speed at which you are travelling 放慢速度 2 to become less strong, unpleasant, etc. 减轻;缓和;放松 ease / iːz ; NAmE iːz /
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