counsel 英 [ˈkaʊnsl]   美 [ˈkaʊnsəl]


counsel  英 [ˈkaʊnsl] 美 [ˈkaʊnsəl]

n. 劝告,忠告,建议;辩护律师  v. 建议,劝告;提供咨询 

进行时:counselling  过去式:counselled  过去分词:counselled  第三人称单数:counsels  名词复数:counsels 

Listen to the counsel of your elders. 要听从长辈的忠告。
In the end, wiser counsels prevailed. 高明的建议最终占了上风。

  • When you give counsel or counsel someone, you give advice. If your neighbor is suing you because your dog keeps eating his begonias, you might seek the counsel of a dog trainer or, if that doesn't work, a lawyer.
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  • n. 劝告,忠告,建议;辩护律师
  • v. 建议,劝告;提供咨询
  • 1. Listen to the counsel of your elders.


  • 2. In the end, wiser counsels prevailed.


  • 3. to be represented by counsel


  • 4. the counsel for the defence, the counsel for the prosecution


  • 5. defence counsel, prosecuting counsel


  • 6. Therapists were brought in to counsel the bereaved.


  • 7. Most experts counsel caution in such cases.


  • counsel (n.) c. 1200, "advice or instruction given;" c. 1300, "mutual advising or interchange of opinions, consultation," from Old French counseil "advice, counsel; deliberation, thought" (10c.), from Latin consilium "plan, opinion," from assimilated form of com "with, together" (see con-) + root of calare "to announce, summon" (from PIE root *kele- (2) "to shout"). As a synonym for "lawyer, one who gives legal counsel," attested late 14c.
  • counsel (v.) c. 1300, counseilen, "to give or offer advice, admonish, instruct," from Old French conseiller "to advise, counsel," from Latin consiliari, from consilium "plan, opinion," from assimilated form of com "with, together" (see con-) + root of calare "to announce, summon" (from PIE root *kele- (2) "to shout"). Related: Counseled. 
coun·sel / ˈkaʊnsl ; NAmE ˈkaʊnsl / noun , verb counsel counsels counselled counseled counselling counseling noun [uncountable ,  countable ] 1 ( formal) advice, especially given by older people or experts; a piece of advice (尤指年长者或专家的)劝告,忠告,建议 Listen to the counsel of your elders. 要听从长辈的忠告。 In the end, wiser counsels prevailed. 高明的建议最终占了上风。 2 ( law ) a lawyer or group of lawyers representing sb in court 辩护律师 to be represented by counsel 由律师代表 the counsel for the defence/prosecution 被告╱原告的律师 defence/prosecuting counsel 被告╱原告的律师 The court then heard counsel for the dead woman's father. 法庭接着听取了已死女人的父亲所请律师的陈述。 collocationsat justice see also king's/queen's counsel note at lawyer IDIOMS a counsel of desˈpair ( formal) advice not to try to do sth because it is too difficult 知难而退的建议 a counsel of perˈfection ( formal) advice that is good but that is difficult or impossible to follow 听上去完美却难以实行的建议 keep your own ˈcounsel ( formal) to keep your opinions, plans, etc. secret 将自己意见(或计划等)保密;不暴露自己的意图 verb ( -ll- , especially US -l- ) 1 counselsb to listen to and give support or professional advice to sb who needs help 提供专业咨询 Therapists were brought in to counsel the bereaved. 请了治疗专家来劝慰死者的亲属。 2 ( formal) to advise sb to do sth 建议,劝告(做某事) counselsth Most experts counsel caution in such cases. 大多数专家建议在这样的情况下要谨慎从事。 counselsb to do sth He counselled them to give up the plan. 他建议他们放弃此项计划。 coun·sel / ˈkaʊnsl ; NAmE ˈkaʊnsl /
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