cybernetics 英 [ˌsaɪbəˈnetɪks]   美 [ˌsaɪbərˈnetɪks]


cybernetics  英 [ˌsaɪbəˈnetɪks] 美 [ˌsaɪbərˈnetɪks]

n. 控制论 


What ever happened to cybernetics? 控制论究竟发生了什么事?
While cybernetics is a framework for understanding machines, tektology is a framework for understanding everything: art, philosophy, technology, politics, biology, consciousness. 控制论是一个理解机械的构架,而组织形态学是一个理解万物的构架:艺术,哲学,技术,政治,生物,意识。

  • Cybernetics is the study of communication and control systems in living things and machines. A scientist specializing in cybernetics might study human-robot interaction.
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  • n. 控制论
  • 1. What ever happened to cybernetics?


  • 2. While cybernetics is a framework for understanding machines, tektology is a framework for understanding everything: art, philosophy, technology, politics, biology, consciousness.


  • 3. In the process he lay the groundwork for cybernetics and systems theory, pioneered the genre of Soviet science fiction, and inadvertently established a Russian tradition in blood science.


  • cybernetics (n.) coined 1948 by U.S. mathematician Norbert Wiener (1894-1964), with -ics + Greek kybernetes "steersman" (metaphorically "guide, governor"), from kybernan "to steer or pilot a ship, direct as a pilot," figuratively "to guide, govern," which is of uncertain origin. Beekes agrees that "the word has no cognates" and concludes "Foreign origin is probable." The construction is perhaps based on 1830s French cybernétique "the art of governing."
cy·ber·net·ics / ˌsaɪbəˈnetɪks ; NAmE ˌsaɪbərˈnetɪks / noun [uncountable ] the scientific study of communication and control, especially concerned with comparing human and animal brains with machines and electronic devices 控制论,神经机械学(对信息传递和控制的科学研究,尤涉及人和动物大脑与机器和电子装置的比较) cy·ber·net·ic / ˌsaɪbəˈnetɪk ; NAmE ˌsaɪbərˈnetɪk / adjective cy·ber·net·ics / ˌsaɪbəˈnetɪks ; NAmE ˌsaɪbərˈnetɪks / cy·ber·net·ic / ˌsaɪbəˈnetɪk ; NAmE ˌsaɪbərˈnetɪk /
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