cyberpunk 英 [ˈsaɪbəpʌŋk]   美 [ˈsaɪbərpʌŋk]


cyberpunk  英 [ˈsaɪbəpʌŋk] 美 [ˈsaɪbərpʌŋk]

n. 网络朋客 


Often set in industrial dystopias, the cyberpunk genre features plots related to computing, hackers, and large corrupt corporations. 这类作品一般背景设定为工业化的反乌托邦,情节涉及计算、黑客、大型贪污公司等。
Its plot reads like something out of a cyberpunk novella, which in and of itself, would probably make for interesting tech geek viewing. 它的情节读起来像是出自于计算机朋客的中篇小说,这可能会激发技术控的阅读欲。

  • Cyberpunk is a science fiction genre. Most cyberpunk is set in the not-too-distant future and focuses on information technology and computers.
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  • n. 网络朋客
  • 1. Often set in industrial dystopias, the cyberpunk genre features plots related to computing, hackers, and large corrupt corporations.


  • 2. Its plot reads like something out of a cyberpunk novella, which in and of itself, would probably make for interesting tech geek viewing.


  • 3. The Shockwave Rider (John Brunner, 1975) The original cyberpunk novel, predating Gibson' Neuromancer by nine years (and even the word " cyberpunk" by five.)


cyber·punk / ˈsaɪbəpʌŋk ; NAmE ˈsaɪbərpʌŋk / noun [uncountable ] stories set in an imaginary future world controlled by technology and computers 电脑科幻小说, 电脑叛客(以受科技与电脑所控制的虚构未来世界为背景) cyberpunk cyberpunks cyber·punk / ˈsaɪbəpʌŋk ; NAmE ˈsaɪbərpʌŋk /
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