cybercafe ['saɪbɚkæfe]  


cybercafe  ['saɪbɚkæfe]

n. 网吧;网路咖啡屋 


LiLi:You have many choices, such as going to a coffee bar, a cybercafe, or a disco. 有很多选择,比如去咖啡馆、网吧或迪斯科舞厅。
Indonesian children pack into a cybercafe in Jakarta, Indonesia. 在印度尼西亚首都雅加达的一家网吧里挤满了孩童。

  • A cybercafe is a business which allows people to pay for access to the Internet. Most cybercafes provide computers, snacks, and beverages to their customers.
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  • n. 网吧;网路咖啡屋
  • 1. LiLi:You have many choices, such as going to a coffee bar, a cybercafe, or a disco.


  • 2. Indonesian children pack into a cybercafe in Jakarta, Indonesia.


  • 3. Mom and Dad met each other in a cybercafe.


cyber·cafe / ˈsaɪbəkæfeɪ ; NAmE ˈsaɪbərkæfeɪ / noun a cafewith computers on which customers can use the Internet, send emails, etc. 网吧; 网咖 cyber·cafe / ˈsaɪbəkæfeɪ ; NAmE ˈsaɪbərkæfeɪ /
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