clack 英 [klæk]   美 [klæk]


clack  英 [klæk] 美 [klæk]

vi. 噼啪响;唠唠叨叨讲  n. 噼啪响;哔剥声 

进行时:clacking  过去式:clacked  过去分词:clacked  第三人称单数:clacks  名词复数:clacks 

But the click-clack of the keyboard has ceded ground to the swipe of a finger across a smartphone’s touch screen. 但是现在点击键盘的方式已经让步给在智能手机上轻轻滑动手指。
Baby carriages outnumber vehicles; the air is filled with the sound of woks being scraped and the clack of majiang tiles. 这里婴儿车比汽车多,空气中充满了炒菜声、搓麻将声。

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  • vi. 噼啪响;唠唠叨叨讲
  • n. 噼啪响;哔剥声
  • 1. But the click-clack of the keyboard has ceded ground to the swipe of a finger across a smartphone’s touch screen.


  • 2. Baby carriages outnumber vehicles; the air is filled with the sound of woks being scraped and the clack of majiang tiles.


  • 3. MR. HURD, 52, often strums a tabletop like a pianist as he delves into business minutiae, his enthusiasm measured by the steady clack-clacking of his gold wedding band.


  • clack (n.) "a sharp, repeated, rattling sound," mid-15c., from clack (v.).
  • clack (v.) "make a quick, sharp noise," mid-13c., not in Old English, from Old Norse klaka "to chatter," of echoic origin. Compare Dutch klakken "to clack, crack," Old High German kleken, French claquer "to clap, crack (see claque). Related: Clacked; clacking.
clack / klæk ; NAmE klæk / verb [intransitive ] if two hard objects clack,they make a short loud sound when they hit each other 发出啪嗒声;劈啪作响;使咔哒地响 Her heels clacked on the marble floor. 她的鞋后跟在大理石地面上发出咔哒咔哒的响声。 clack noun [singular ] the clack of high heels on the floor 高跟鞋在地板上发出的咔咔声 the clack of her knitting needles 她的织针发出的啪嗒啪嗒声 clack clacks clacked clacking clack / klæk ; NAmE klæk /
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