


abbr. 车辆荷载(Car Load);中心线(Center Line) 


Lastly, all the existing statements and cl commands required an exclusive lock on the entire file. 最后,所有现有语句和 CL 命令在整个文件上需要一个互斥型锁。
By doing this, the customer avoids having to manually check or set it on each server using cl commands. 因此,客户无需在每台服务器上使用 CL 命令手动检查或设置它。

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  • abbr. 车辆荷载(Car Load);中心线(Center Line)
  • 1. Lastly, all the existing statements and cl commands required an exclusive lock on the entire file.

    最后,所有现有语句和 CL 命令在整个文件上需要一个互斥型锁。

  • 2. By doing this, the customer avoids having to manually check or set it on each server using cl commands.

    因此,客户无需在每台服务器上使用 CL 命令手动检查或设置它。

  • 3. It checks for common configuration issues, much like reviewing the information available via the CFGTCP cl command.

    它检查一些常见配置问题,与检查通过 CFGTCP CL 命令获取的信息极为类似。

cl abbreviation ( plural cl or cls ) centilitre 75cl *75 厘升
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