chuck 英 [tʃʌk]   美 [tʃʌk]


chuck  英 [tʃʌk] 美 [tʃʌk]

n. [机] 卡盘;抚弄;赶走;恰克(人名)  vt. 丢弃,抛掷;驱逐;轻拍 

进行时:chucking  过去式:chucked  过去分词:chucked  第三人称单数:chucks  名词复数:chucks 

We must chuck them... in this shit life. 我们必须扔掉它们...在这种狗屎人生里。
So I invited chuck, my oldest friend and godfather to one of my sons. 所以我邀请了契克,他是我的老朋友,还是我一个儿子的教父。

  • To toss something is to chuck it. You might kill some time in your yard before dinner, where you and your sister can chuck a football back and forth.
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  • n. [机] 卡盘;抚弄;赶走;恰克(人名)
  • vt. 丢弃,抛掷;驱逐;轻拍
  • 1. We must chuck them... in this shit life.


  • 2. So I invited chuck, my oldest friend and godfather to one of my sons.


  • 3. But it may be time to chuck many of our notions about how humanity organizes itself.


  • chuck (n.1) "piece of wood," 1670s; "piece of meat," 1723; probably a variant of chock (n.) "block." "Chock and chuck appear to have been originally variants of the same word, which are now somewhat differentiated" [OED].
  • chuck (n.2) "slight blow under the chin," 1610s, from chuck (v.1). Meaning "a toss, a throw" is from 1862.
  • chuck (v.1) "to throw," 1590s, variant of chock "give a blow under the chin" (1580s), possibly from French choquer "to shock, strike against," imitative (see shock (n.1)). Meaning "pat playfully, give ablow to" is from 1610s. Related: Chucked; chucking.
chuck / tʃʌk ; NAmE tʃʌk / verb , noun chuck chucks chucked chucking verb 1 ( informal) ( especially BrE) to throw sth carelessly or without much thought (随便或贸然地)扔,抛 chucksth (+ adv./prep.) He chucked the paper in a drawer. 他把那份报纸顺手丢进了抽屉。 chucksb sth Chuck me the newspaper, would you? 请你把报纸扔给我好吗? synonyms at throw 2 ( informal) to give up or stop doing sth 放弃;停止;终止 chucksth You haven't chucked your job! 你还没有辞掉你的工作! chucksth in/up I'm going to chuck it all in (= give up my job)and go abroad. 我要离职出国。 3 chucksb ( BrE) ( informal) to leave your boyfriend or girlfriend and stop having a relationship with him or her 终止(或断绝)恋爱关系 Has he chucked her? 他把她甩了吗? 4 chucksth ( informal) to throw sth away 扔掉;丢弃;抛弃 That's no good—just chuck it. 那东西毫无用处,扔掉好啦。 IDIOMS chuck sb under the chin ( old-fashioned) ( BrE) to touch sb gently under the chin in a friendly way 轻抚某人的下巴 it's ˈchucking it down ( BrE) ( informal) it's raining heavily 下着倾盆大雨;大雨滂沱 PHRASAL VERBS ˌchuck sth↔aˈway | ˌchuck sth↔ˈout ( informal) to throw sth away 扔掉;丢弃;抛弃 Those old clothes can be chucked out. 那些旧衣服可以扔掉了。 ˌchuck sb ˈoff (sth) | ˌchuck sb ˈout (of sth) ( informal) to force sb to leave a place or a job 撵走;解雇 They got chucked off the bus. 他们被赶下了公共汽车。 You can't just chuck him out. 你不能只把他解雇了事。 noun 1 [countable ] a part of a tool such as a drillthat can be adjusted to hold sth tightly (固定钻头等用的)夹盘,卡盘,夹头 2 [singular ] ( NEngE) ( informal) a friendly way of addressing sb (熟人之间友好的称呼)小亲亲 What's up with you, chuck? 你怎么了,亲爱的? 3 ( also ˌchuck ˈsteak ) [uncountable ] meat from the shoulder of a cow 牛肩胛肉 chuck / tʃʌk ; NAmE tʃʌk /
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