- Capital is the total amount of money (and things with a monetary value, like houses or cars) that a person or institution owns. A bank's capital might be in the billions, while your capital barely makes it into the hundreds.
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- n. 首都;资本;大写字母
- adj. 首都的;大写的
1. Cairo is the capital of Egypt.
2. to set up a business with a starting capital of £100 000
以 10 万英镑为启动资金创办一个企业
3. capital and labour
4. Please write in capitals. Please write in capital letters.
5. English is written with a capital ‘E’.
*English 一词中字母 E 大写。
- capital (adj.) early 13c., "of or pertaining to the head," from Old French capital, from Latin capitalis "of the head," hence "capital, chief, first," from caput (genitive capitis) "head" (from PIE root *kaput- "head"). Meaning "main, principal, chief, dominant, first in importance" is from early 15c. in English. The modern informal sense of "excellent, first-rate" is dated from 1762 in OED (as an exclamation of approval, OED's first example is 1875), perhaps from earlier use of the word in reference to ships, "first-rate, powerful enough to be in the line of battle," attested from 1650s, fallen into disuse after 1918. Related: Capitally.
- capital (n.1) early 15c., "a capital letter," from capital (adj.). The meaning "city or town which is the official seat of government" is first recorded 1660s (the Old English word was heafodstol; Middle English had hevedburgh). For the financial sense see capital (n.2).
- capital (n.2) 1610s, "a person's wealth," from Medieval Latin capitale "stock, property," noun use of neuter of Latin capitalis "capital, chief, first" (see capital (adj.)). From 1640s as "the wealth employed in carrying on a particular business," then, in a broader sense in political economy, "that part of the produce of industry which is available for further production" (1793).
- capital (n.3) "head of a column or pillar," late 13c., from Anglo-French capitel, Old French chapitel (Modern French chapiteau), or directly from Latin capitellum "head of a column or pillar," literally "little head," diminutive of caput "head" (from PIE root *kaput- "head").
cap·ital ★ / ˈkæpɪtl ; NAmE ˈkæpɪtl / noun , adjective capital capitals noun ★ city 城市 1 ★ ( also ˌcapital ˈcity ) [countable ] the most important town or city of a country, usually where the central government operates from 首都;国都 ◆ Cairo is the capital of Egypt. 开罗是埃及的首都。 ◆ ( figurative) Paris, the fashion capital of the world 巴黎,世界时装的中心之都 money 金钱 2 ★ [singular ] a large amount of money that is invested or is used to start a business 资本;资金;启动资金 ◆ to set up a business with a starting capitalof £100 000 以 10 万英镑为启动资金创办一个企业 3 [uncountable ] wealth or property that is owned by a business or a person 财富;财产 ◆ capital assets 资本资产 ◆ capital expenditure (= money that an organization spends on buildings, equipment, etc.) 资本投资 4 [uncountable ] ( technical 术语 ) people who use their money to start businesses, considered as a group 资方 ◆ capital and labour 资方与劳方 letter 字母 5 ★ ( also ˌcapital ˈletter ) [countable ] a letter of the form and size that is used at the beginning of a sentence or a name (= A,B,C rather than a,b,c) 大写字母 ◆ Use block capitals (= separate capital letters). 使用大写字母。 ◆ Please write in capitals/in capital letters. 请用大写字母书写。 architecture 建筑 6 the top part of a column 柱顶;柱头 IDIOM make capital (out) of sth to use a situation for your own advantage 从…中捞取好处;利用…谋求私利 ◆ The opposition parties are making political capital out of the government's problems. 各反对党都在利用政府面临的问题捞取政治资本。 adjective ★ punishment 惩罚 1 ★ [only before noun ] involving punishment by death 死刑的 ◆ a capital offence 死罪 letter 字母 2 ★ [only before noun ] (of letters of the alphabet 字母表字母 ) having the form and size used at the beginning of a sentence or a name 大写的 ◆ English is written with a capital ‘E’. *English 一词中字母 E 大写。 ☞compare lower case excellent 优秀 3 ( old-fashioned) ( BrE) excellent 顶好的;极好的 IDIOM with a capital A, B, etc. used to emphasize that a word has a stronger meaning than usual in a particular situation (强调有特别含义的字眼)真正地,名副其实地,不折不扣地 ◆ He was romantic with a capital R. 他纯属浪漫派。 cap·ital / ˈkæpɪtl ; NAmE ˈkæpɪtl /
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