blank 英 [blæŋk]   美 [blæŋk]


blank  英 [blæŋk] 美 [blæŋk]

adj. 空白的;  n. 空白; 

进行时:blanking  过去式:blanked  过去分词:blanked  第三人称单数:blanks  名词复数:blanks  比较级:blanker  最高级:blankest 

a blank CD 空白光盘
Sign your name in the blank space below. 把名字签在下面的空白处。

  • Something that's blank is empty or undecorated. A blank canvas hasn't been drawn or painted on yet — it's clean and unmarked.
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  • adj. 空白的;
  • n. 空白;
  • 1. a blank CD


  • 2. Sign your name in the blank space below.


  • 3. Suddenly the screen went blank.


  • 4. Steve looked blankand said he had no idea what I was talking about.


  • 5. Please fill in the blanks.


  • 6. If you can't answer the question, leave a blank.


  • 7. My mind was a blank and I couldn't remember her name.


  • 8. I knew the answer, but I totally blanked during the test.


  • blank (adj.) early 13c., "white, pale, colorless," from Old French blanc "white, shining," from Frankish *blank "white, gleaming," or some other Germanic source (compare Old Norse blakkr, Old English blanca "white horse;" Old High German blanc, blanch; German blank "shining, bright"), from Proto-Germanic *blangkaz "to shine, dazzle," extended form of PIE root *bhel-(1) "to shine, flash, burn," also "shining white."
  • blank (n.) late 14c. as the name of a small French coin; 1550s as "white space in the center of a target," from the same source as blank (adj.). Meaning "empty space" (in a document, etc.) is from c. 1570. Meaning "losing lottery ticket" (1560s) is behind the expression draw a blank. The word has been "for decorum's sake, substituted for a word of execration" [OED] at least since 1854 (for compound words, blankety-blank), from the use of blank lines in printing to indicate where such words or the letters forming the bulk of them have been omitted. From 1896 as short for blank cartridge (itself from 1826).
  • blank (v.) 1540s, "to nonplus, disconcert, shut up;" 1560s, "to frustrate," from blank (adj.) in some sense. Sports sense of "defeat (another team) without allowing a score" is from 1870 (blank (n.) as "a score of 0 in a game or contest" is from 1867). Meaning "to become blank or empty" is from 1955. Related: Blanked; blanking.
blank / blæŋk ; NAmE blæŋk / adjective , noun , verb blank blanks blanked blanking blanker blankest adjective 1 empty, with nothing written, printed or recorded on it 空白的 Sign your name in the blank space below. 把名字签在下面的空白处。 a blank CD 空白光盘 Write on one side of the paper and leave the other side blank. 写在纸的一面,把另一面空出来。 She turned to a blank page in her notebook. 她翻开笔记本的一张空白页。 2 (of a wall or screen 墙壁或屏幕 ) empty; with no pictures, marks or decoration 空的;无图画(或标记、装饰)的 blank whitewashed walls 光秃秃的白灰墙 Suddenly the screen went blank. 屏幕突然变成一片空白。 3 showing no feeling, understanding or interest 没表情的;不理解的;不感兴趣的 She stared at me with a blank expression on her face. 她一脸木然地盯着我。 Steve looked blankand said he had no idea what I was talking about. 史蒂夫显得很迷惑,说他不知道我在说什么。 Suddenly my mind went blank (= I could not remember anything). 我脑子里突然一片空白。 4 [only before noun ] (of negative things 否定的事情 ) complete and total 完全的;彻底的 a blank refusal/denial 断然拒绝╱否认 see also point-blank blank·ly / ˈblæŋkli ; NAmE ˈblæŋkli / adverb She stared blankly into space, not knowing what to say next. 她木然地凝视着,不知道下面该说什么。 blank·ness / ˈblæŋknəs ; NAmE ˈblæŋknəs / noun [uncountable ] noun 1 [countable ] an empty space on a printed form or document for you to write answers, information, etc. in (文件等的)空白处,空格 Please fill in the blanks. 请在空白处填写。 If you can't answer the question, leave a blank. 如果回答不了问题,就空着它。 2 [singular ] a state of not being able to remember anything (记忆中的)空白,遗忘 My mind was a blankand I couldn't remember her name. 我脑子里一片空白,记不起她的名字了。 3 [countable ] ( also ˌblank ˈcartridge ) a cartridgein a gun that contains an explosivebut no bullet 空弹 The troops fired blanks in the air. 部队向空中放空弹。 IDIOMsee draw v. verb 1 [transitive ] blanksb ( BrE) ( informal) to ignore sb completely 毫不理睬(某人) I saw her on the bus this morning, but she totally blanked me. 我今天早晨在公共汽车上见到她,但她连一眼都没瞧我。 2 [intransitive ] ( NAmE) to be suddenly unable to remember or think of sth 突然忘掉;突然思路模糊 I knew the answer, but I totally blanked during the test. 我本来知道答案,但考试时我什么都忘了。 PHRASAL VERBS ˌblank ˈout to suddenly become empty 突然变空 The screen blanked out. 屏幕突然变成一片空白。 ˌblank sth↔ˈout 1 to cover sth completely so that it cannot be seen 掩盖;遮盖 All the names in the letter had been blanked out. 信中所有的名字都已涂掉。 2 to deliberately forget sth unpleasant 刻意忘记;抹去记忆 She had tried to blank out the whole experience. 她曾试图把全部经历从记忆中抹去。 blank / blæŋk ; NAmE blæŋk / blank·ly / ˈblæŋkli ; NAmE ˈblæŋkli / blank·ness / ˈblæŋknəs ; NAmE ˈblæŋknəs /
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