correction 英 [kəˈrekʃn]   美 [kəˈrɛkʃən]


correction  英 [kəˈrekʃn] 美 [kəˈrɛkʃən]

n. 改正,修正 


I've made a few small corrections to your report. 我对你的报告作了几处小的修改。
The paper had to publish a correction to the story. 这家报纸不得不对这则新闻报道发一个更正。

  • When you fix a mistake, you make a correction, a change that rights a wrong. When you correct a misspelled word, you’ve made a correction. Well done! Correction also applies to punishment, which is another way to right a wrong.
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  • n. 改正,修正
  • 1. I've made a few small corrections to your report.


  • 2. The paper had to publish a correction to the story.


  • 3. There are some programming errors that need correction.


  • correction (n.) mid-14c., correccioun, "authority to correct;" late 14c., "action of correcting or chastising, rectification of faults (in character, conduct, etc.) by restraints or punishments," also "a bringing into conformity to a standard, model, or original," from Old French correccion (13c.) "correction, amendment; punishment, rebuke," from Latin correctionem (nominative correctio) "an amendment, improvement," noun of action from past-participle stem of corrigere "to put straight; to reform" (see correct (v.)).
cor·rec·tion / kəˈrekʃn ; NAmE kəˈrekʃn / noun , exclamation correction corrections noun 1 [countable ] a change that makes sth more accurate than it was before 改正;纠正;修正 I've made a few small corrections to your report. 我对你的报告作了几处小的修改。 The paper had to publish a correction to the story. 这家报纸不得不对这则新闻报道发一个更正。 2 [uncountable ] the act or process of correcting sth 改正的行动(或过程) There are some programming errors that need correction. 有一些程序错误需要改正。 3 [uncountable ] ( old-fashioned) punishment 惩罚;处罚;惩治 the correction of young offenders 对失足青少年的管教 exclamation ( informal) used when you want to correct sth that you have just said (想纠正刚说过的话时用)改正,更正 I don't know. Correction—I do know, but I'm not going to tell you. 我不知道。不,我知道不假,但不打算告诉你。 cor·rec·tion / kəˈrekʃn ; NAmE kəˈrekʃn /
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