- We all know what black looks like, but technically it's defined by the absence of light. Total darkness. It can also mean an angry feeling or something wicked or hopeless. For example, “The traffic put me in a black mood.”
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- adj. 黑色的
- n. 黑色;
1. a black bird
2. a black woman writer
3. He was dressed in black.
4. Two black coffees, please.
5. She's been in a really black mood all day.
- black (adj.) Old English blæc "absolutely dark, absorbing all light, the color of soot or coal," from Proto-Germanic *blakaz "burned" (source also of Old Norse blakkr "dark," Old High German blah "black," Swedish bläck "ink," Dutch blaken "to burn"), from PIE *bhleg- "to burn, gleam, shine, flash" (source also of Greek phlegein "to burn, scorch," Latin flagrare "to blaze, glow, burn"), from root *bhel-(1) "to shine, flash, burn."
- black (n.) Old English blæc "the color black," also "ink," from noun use of black (adj.). From late 14c. as "dark spot in the pupil of the eye." The meaning "dark-skinned person, African" is from 1620s (perhaps late 13c., and blackamoor is from 1540s). Meaning "black clothing" (especially when worn in mourning) is from c. 1400.
- black (v.) c. 1200, intrans., "to become black;" early 14c., trans., "to make black, darken, put a black color on;" from black (adj.). Especially "to clean and polish (boots, shoes, etc.) by blacking and brushing them" (1550s). Related: Blacked; blacking.
black ★ / blæk ; NAmE blæk / adjective , noun , verb black blacks blacked blacking blacker blackest adjective ★ ( black·er , black·est ) colour 颜色 1 ★ having the very darkest colour, like night or coal 黑的;黑色的 ◆ a shiny black car 发亮的黑汽车 ◆ black storm clouds 带来暴风雨的乌云 with no light 无光线 2 ★ without light; completely dark 黑暗的;漆黑的 ◆ a black night 漆黑的夜晚 people 人 3 ★ ( alsoBlack ) belonging to a race of people who have dark skin; connected with black people 黑色人种的;黑人的 ◆ a black woman writer 一位黑人女作家 ◆ black culture 黑人文化 HELP Blackis the word most widely used and generally accepted in Britain. In the US the currently accepted term is African American. *black 在英国最广为使用和接受。在美国目前为人所接受的词是 African American。 tea/coffee 茶;咖啡 4 ★ without milk 不加牛奶的 ◆ Two black coffees, please. 请来两杯清咖啡。 ☞compare white (4 ) dirty 肮脏 5 ★ very dirty; covered with dirt 很脏的;布满污垢的 ◆ chimneys black with smoke 满布烟尘的烟囱 ◆ Go and wash your hands; they're absolutely black! 洗洗手去,你的手脏极了! angry 愤怒 6 full of anger or hatred 愤怒的;仇恨的 ◆ She's been in a really black mood all day. 她一整天都心情很坏。 ◆ Rory shot her a black look. 罗里愤怒地瞪了她一眼。 depressing 令人沮丧 7 without hope; very depressing 无希望的;令人沮丧的 ◆ The future looks pretty black. 前景看来很暗淡。 ◆ It's been another black day for the north-east with the announcement of further job losses. 东北部又经历了一个黑色的日子,当地公布的失业人数再度上升。 evil 邪恶 8 ( literary) evil or immoral 邪恶的;不道德的 ◆ black deeds/lies 邪恶行为;昧良心的谎言 humour 幽默 9 dealing with unpleasant or terrible things, such as murder, in a humorous way 黑色的(以幽默的方式对待讨厌的或可怕的事物,如凶杀) ◆ ‘Good place to bury the bodies,’ she joked with black humour. “真是个掩埋尸体的风水宝地。”她以黑色幽默打趣道。 ◆ The play is a black comedy. 那是个黑色喜剧。 ☞see also blackly ▶ black·ness / ˈblæknəs ; NAmE ˈblæknəs / noun [uncountable , singular ] ◆ She peered out into the blackness of the night. 她凝视着外面黑沉沉的夜色。 IDIOMS (beat sb) black and ˈblue (to hit sb until they are) covered with bruises(= blue, brown or purple marks on the body) (把某人打得)青一块紫一块,伤痕斑斑 not as black as he/she/it is ˈpainted not as bad as people say he/she/it is 不像别人说的那么坏 ◆ He's not very friendly, but he's not as black as he's painted. 他不太友善,但也不像别人说的那么坏。 ☞more at pot n. noun ★ colour 颜色 1 ★ [uncountable ] the very darkest colour, like night or coal 黑色 ◆ the black of the night sky 夜空的漆黑 ◆ Everyone at the funeral was dressed in black. 参加葬礼的人都身着黑服。 people 人 2 ★ ( alsoBlack ) [countable , usually plural ] a member of a race of people who have dark skin 黑色人种的人;黑人 HELP In this meaning blackis more common in the plural. It can sound offensive in the singular. Instead, you can use the adjective (‘a black man/woman’) or, in the US, African American. *black 在此义中常以复数形式出现。单数形式可能使人感到冒犯。但可用作形容词 (a black man ╱ woman),或者,在美国可说 African American。 IDIOMS be in the ˈblack to have money, for example in your bank account 有盈余;有结余 ☞compare be in the red at red n. ★ ˌblack and ˈwhite having no colours except black, white and shades of grey (in photographs, on television, etc.) (照片、电视等)黑白的 ◆ a film made in black and white 黑白电影 ◆ black-and-white photos 黑白照片 in black and white in writing or in print 白纸黑字;书写的;印刷的 ◆ I never thought they'd put it in black and white on the front page. 我从未想到他们会在头版把它登出来。 (in) black and white in a way that makes people or things seem completely bad or good, or completely right or wrong 黑白分明(好坏、是非等清楚的) ◆ It's a complex issue, but he only sees it in black and white. 那是个复杂的问题,但他却只看到对与错的分别。 ◆ This is not a black-and-white decision (= where the difference between two choices is completely clear). 这不是个非此即彼的决定。 verb 1 blacksth/sb ( BrE) to refuse to deal with goods or to do business with sb as a political protest 抵制;拒绝处理(货物);拒绝(同某人)做生意 SYN boycott ◆ The unions have blacked all imports from the country. 工会拒绝处理从这个国家进口的所有货物。 2 blacksth to make sth black 使变黑;染黑;涂黑 SYN blacken PHRASAL VERBS ˌblack ˈout to become unconscious for a short time 暂时失去知觉;昏厥 SYN faint ◆ The driver had probably blacked out at the wheel. 司机很可能在开车时昏厥了。 ☞related noun blackout ˌblack sth↔ˈout 1 to make a place dark by turning off lights, covering windows, etc. 使(某处)变黑暗 ◆ A power failure blacked out the city last night. 昨晚停电造成整个城市一片漆黑。 ◆ a house with blacked out windows 窗户被遮住不透光的房子 ☞related noun blackout 2 to prevent sth such as a piece of writing or a television broadcast from being read or seen 涂掉(文章);截断(电视广播);封锁(新闻) ◆ Some lines of the document have been blacked out for security reasons. 为安全起见,这份文件的一些句子被涂掉了。 black / blæk ; NAmE blæk / black·ness / ˈblæknəs ; NAmE ˈblæknəs /
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