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- v. 咬;不良影响
- n. 咬;
1. Does your dog bite?
2. She bit into a pear.
3. She was bitten by the family dog.
4. Stop biting your nails!
5. Most European spiders don't bite.
6. The dog gave me a playful bite.
7. How about a bite of lunch?
- bite (n.) late Old English, "a biting, an act of piercing with the teeth;" c. 1200, "a mouthful, a morsel of food," from bite (v.). From early 15c. as "a mark left by biting." From 1865 as "the catch or hold of one mechanical part on another."
- bite (v.) Old English bitan "to pierce or cut with the teeth" (class I strong verb; past tense bat, past participle biten), from Proto-Germanic *bitan (source also of Old Saxon bitan, Old Norse and Old Frisian bita, Middle Dutch biten, Dutch bijten, German beissen, Gothic beitan "to bite"), from PIE root *bheid- "to split," with derivatives in Germanic referring to biting.
bite ★ / baɪt ; NAmE baɪt / verb , noun bite bites bit biting bitten verb ★ ( bit / bɪt ; NAmE bɪt / , bit·ten / ˈbɪtn ; NAmE ˈbɪtn / ) use teeth 用牙齿 1 ★ [intransitive , transitive ] to use your teeth to cut into or through sth 咬 ◆ Does your dog bite? 你的狗咬人吗? ◆ Come here! I won't bite! (= you don't need to be afraid) 过来吧!我不会咬人的! biteinto/through sth ◆ She bit into a ripe juicy pear. 她咬了一口熟透多汁的梨。 bitesb/sth ◆ She was bitten by the family dog. 她被家里的狗咬伤了。 ◆ Stop biting your nails! 别咬指甲了! biteoff sth/sth off ◆ He bit off a large chunk of bread/He bit a large chunk of bread off. 他咬下了一大块面包。 of insect/snake 昆虫;蛇 2 ★ [intransitive , transitive ] to wound sb by making a small hole or mark in their skin 叮;蜇;咬 ◆ Most European spiders don't bite. 大多数欧洲蜘蛛不咬人。 bitesb ◆ We were badly bitten by mosquitoes. 我们被蚊子叮得不行。 of fish 鱼 3 [intransitive ] if a fish bites,it takes food from the hook of a fishing lineand may get caught 咬饵;上钩 have effect 产生影响 4 [intransitive ] to have an unpleasant effect 产生不良影响 ◆ The recession is beginning to bite. 经济衰退开始产生不良影响。 IDIOMS be bitten by sth to develop a strong interest in or enthusiasm for sth 对某事物着迷;热衷于某事物 ◆ He's been bitten by thetravel bug. 他迷上了旅游。 bite the ˈbullet ( informal) to start to deal with an unpleasant or difficult situation which cannot be avoided 硬着头皮对付不愉快的(或艰难的)情况;咬紧牙关应付 ORIGIN From the custom of giving soldiers a bullet to bite on during a medical operation without anaesthetic. 源自战地手术习惯。战士们在无麻醉剂的情况下咬住子弹接受手术。 bite the ˈdust ( informal) 1 to fail, or to be defeated or destroyed 失败;被打败;被摧毁 ◆ Thousands of small businesses bite the dust every year. 每年有数以千计的小企业倒闭。 2 ( humorous) to die 死 bite the hand that ˈfeeds you to harm sb who has helped you or supported you 伤害恩人;恩将仇报 bite your ˈlip to stop yourself from saying sth or from showing an emotion 忍住话;抑制情感的流露 bite off more than you can ˈchew to try to do too much, or sth that is too difficult 想一口吃成胖子;不自量力 bite your ˈtongue to stop yourself from saying sth that might upset sb or cause an argument, although you want to speak 隐忍不言(避免祸从口出) ◆ I didn't believe her explanation but I bit my tongue. 我不相信她的解释,但我忍着没有说出来。 ☞more at hair , head n. , once adv. PHRASAL VERBS ˌbite ˈback (at sb/sth) to react angrily, especially when sb has criticized or harmed you 反击;反驳 ˌbite sth↔ˈback to stop yourself from saying sth or from showing your feelings 忍住不说出某事;不流露情感 ◆ She bit back her anger. 她按捺住怒火。 ˌbite ˈinto sth to cut into the surface of sth 咬(或切、陷等)入某物 ◆ The horses' hooves bit deep into the soft earth. 马蹄深深地陷进了松软的土里。 noun ★ using teeth 用牙齿 1 ★ [countable ] an act of biting 咬 ◆ The dog gave me a playful bite. 狗闹着玩地咬了我一下。 ◆ He has to wear a brace to correct his bite (= the way the upper and lower teeth fit together). 他得戴着牙箍矫正牙齿的咬合。 food 食物 2 ★ [countable ] a small piece of food that you can bite from a larger piece (咬下的)一口 ◆ She took a couple of bites of the sandwich. 她咬了两口三明治。 ◆ He didn't eat a bite of his dinner (= he ate nothing). 他一口饭也没吃。 3 a ~ (to eat) [singular ] ( informal) a small amount of food; a small meal 小量食物;简单的一餐 ◆ How about a bite of lunch? 简单吃点午饭好吗? ◆ We just have time for a bite to eatbefore the movie. 电影开演之前,我们只够时间匆匆吃一点东西。 of insect/animal 昆虫;动物 4 ★ [countable ] a wound made by an animal or insect 咬伤;叮伤;蜇伤 ◆ Dog bites can get infected. 狗咬的伤口会感染。 ◆ a mosquito/snake bite 蚊子叮伤;蛇咬伤 strong taste 浓郁的味道 5 [uncountable ] a pleasant strong taste 浓味 ◆ Cheese will add extra bite to any pasta dish. 干酪会增加面食的香味。 cold 冷 6 [singular ] a sharp cold feeling 寒冷;凛冽 ◆ There's a bite in the air tonight. 今晚寒气刺骨。 powerful effect 强烈影响 7 [uncountable ] a quality that makes sth effective or powerful 影响力;感染力 ◆ The performance had no bite to it. 这次演出毫无感染力。 of fish 鱼 8 [countable ] the act of a fish biting food on a hook 咬饵;上钩 ☞see also frostbite , love bite , sound bite IDIOM a bite at/of the ˈcherry ( BrE) an opportunity to do sth 做某事的机会(或时机) ◆ They were eager for a second bite of the cherry. 他们渴望能得到第二次机会。 ☞more at bark n. bite / baɪt ; NAmE baɪt / bit / bɪt ; NAmE bɪt / bit·ten / ˈbɪtn ; NAmE ˈbɪtn /
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