array 英 [əˈreɪ]   美 [ə'reɪ]


array  英 [əˈreɪ] 美 [ə'reɪ]

n. 数组,阵列;排列;大批,一系列  vt. 排列,部署 

进行时:arraying  过去式:arrayed  过去分词:arrayed  第三人称单数:arrays  名词复数:arrays 

a vast array of bottles of different shapes and sizes 一大批形状大小不一的瓶子
a dazzling array of talent 耀眼的大批天才

  • An array is a display of something — usually something varied. So, you might encounter an array of bathing suits on the beach or an array of cereal brands in the cereal aisle of the grocery store. Which would you prefer?
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  • n. 数组,阵列;排列;大批,一系列
  • vt. 排列,部署
  • 1. a vast array of bottles of different shapes and sizes


  • 2. a dazzling array of talent


  • 3. Jars of all shapes and sizes were arrayed on the shelves.


  • array (n.) mid-14c., "order or position of things, arrangement, sequence," from Anglo-French arrai, Old French aroi, arroi (12c.), from areer "to put in order" (see array (v.)). From late 14c. as "rank or line of soldiers; troops drawn up in battle formation," also "equipment, furnishings, gear; splendid furnishings, grandeur, magnificence." Meaning "an orderly assemblage" is from 1814.
  • array (v.) mid-14c., "marshal (troops), arrange (an army for battle);" late 14c., "put (things) in order, arrange; get (something) ready, prepare; equip, fit out, put clothing on; adorn, decorate," from Old French areyer, earlier areer "to put in order," from Vulgar Latin *ar-redare "put in order" (source also of Italian arredare), from Latin ad "to" (see ad-) + *redum, from Frankish *ræd- "ready" or some cognate Germanic source, from Proto-Germanic *raidjan "to place in order" (source also of Gothic garadis, Old English geræde "ready;" see ready (adj.)). Related: Arrayed; arraying.
array / əˈreɪ ; NAmE əˈreɪ / noun , verb array arrays arrayed arraying noun 1 [usually singular ] a group or collection of things or people, often one that is large or impressive 大堆;大群;大量 a vast array of bottles of different shapes and sizes 一大批形状大小不一的瓶子 a dazzling array of talent 耀眼的大批天才 2 ( computing ) a way of organizing and storing related data in a computer memory 数组;阵列 3 ( technical 术语 ) a set of numbers, signs or values arranged in rows and columns 数组;阵列 verb [usually passive ] ( formal) 1 arraysth to arrange a group of things in a pleasing way or so that they are in order 布置;排列 Jars of all shapes and sizes were arrayed on the shelves. 在搁架上整齐地排列着大大小小各式各样的罐子。 2 arraysb to arrange soldiers in a position from which they are ready to attack 配置(兵力) array / əˈreɪ ; NAmE əˈreɪ /
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