yeah 英 [jeə]   美 [ˈjɛə, ˈjæə, jɛ-]


yeah  英 [jeə] 美 [ˈjɛə, ˈjæə, jɛ-]

adv.   int.  

yeah, I kinda like that. 是的,我有点喜欢这样。
And the other: "I like turtles." "yeah? 还有人说,“我喜欢乌龟,”“是吗?

  • Yeah is a casual form of yes. When you’re hanging out with someone you really look up to and they ask you if you want to go to a party, play it cool by saying “Yeah, sure,” instead of “Yes! I’d love to!”
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  • adv.
  • int.
  • 1. yeah, I kinda like that.


  • 2. And the other: "I like turtles." "yeah?


  • 3. yeah, I think that there has to be something else out there.


  • yeah American English, colloquial, by 1863, from drawling pronunciation of yes.
yeah / jeə ; NAmE jeə / exclamation ( informal) yes 是的;对 IDIOMS ˌoh ˈyeah? used when you are commenting on what sb has just said (回应时用)哦,是吗 ‘We're off to France soon.’ ‘Oh yeah? When's that?’ “我们很快就要去法国了。”“哦,是吗?什么时候去呀?” ‘I'm going to be rich one day.’ ‘Oh yeah?’ (= I don't believe you.) “总有一天我会发财的。”“哦,真的?” ˌyeah, ˈright used to say that you do not believe what sb has just said, disagree with it, or are not interested in it (表示不相信、不同意或不感兴趣)算了吧 ‘You'll be fine.’ ‘Yeah, right.’ “你会没事的。”“得了吧。” yeah yeahs yeah / jeə ; NAmE jeə /
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