worshipful 英 ['wɜːʃɪpfʊl;-f(ə)l]   美 ['wɝʃɪpfl]


worshipful  英 ['wɜːʃɪpfʊl;-f(ə)l] 美 ['wɝʃɪpfl]

adj. 崇拜的,虔诚的;尊贵的;尊敬的 

And at movie theaters and on TV screens nationwide, there will always be legions of worshipful fans. 何况不管是在电影院还是在电视屏幕前,这样的作品总是会有大批虔诚的粉丝的。
The actor coasts through with a rakish beard, content to gaze at his co-star in sleepy, worshipful surprise for 107 minutes. 胡子拉茬的男主角混过这部影片的方式就是:情愿用一种瞌睡兮兮的带有崇拜而惊喜的眼神凝视女主角达107分钟。

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  • adj. 崇拜的,虔诚的;尊贵的;尊敬的
  • 1. And at movie theaters and on TV screens nationwide, there will always be legions of worshipful fans.


  • 2. The actor coasts through with a rakish beard, content to gaze at his co-star in sleepy, worshipful surprise for 107 minutes.


  • 3. Hubbard attracts and holds his worshipful followers by his amazing capacity to spin out an endless science-fiction fantasy in which he is the supreme leader of a chosen elite.


wor·ship·ful / ˈwɜːʃɪpfl ; NAmE ˈwɜːrʃɪpfl / adjective [only before noun ] 1 ( formal) showing or feeling respect and admiration for sb/sth 崇敬的;敬重的;爱慕的 2 Worshipful used in Britain in the titles of some mayorsand some groups of craftsmen 尊敬的(英国用于某些市长和工匠团体的称号中) the Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths (伦敦)金业公会 wor·ship·ful / ˈwɜːʃɪpfl ; NAmE ˈwɜːrʃɪpfl /
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