shockwave [ʃɔkwev]  


shockwave  [ʃɔkwev]

n. 冲击波;震荡波;爆震波 


No shockwave swept through the Arab world as news of Bin Laden's death spread, and that is perhaps the most fitting epitaph. 拉登死讯的传播并未形成席卷阿拉伯世界的冲击波,也许这个作为墓志铭是再合适不过的了。
In the first Modern Warfare there is a moment when the helicopter in which the player is fleeing is hit by the shockwave of a bomb, and it drops. 在第一次现代战争中,有这样一幕,扮演直升飞机驾驶员的玩家感到被炸弹的冲击波打伤了,直升飞机坠机了。

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  • n. 冲击波;震荡波;爆震波
  • 1. No shockwave swept through the Arab world as news of Bin Laden's death spread, and that is perhaps the most fitting epitaph.


  • 2. In the first Modern Warfare there is a moment when the helicopter in which the player is fleeing is hit by the shockwave of a bomb, and it drops.


  • 3. The shockwave was strongest in the developed world.


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