wish 英 [wɪʃ]   美 [wɪʃ]


wish  英 [wɪʃ] 美 [wɪʃ]

n. 希望;祝福;愿望  v. 祝愿; 

进行时:wishing  过去式:wished  过去分词:wished  第三人称单数:wishes  名词复数:wishes 

a birthday wish 生日许愿
Wish me luck! 祝我交好运吧!

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  • n. 希望;祝福;愿望
  • v. 祝愿;
  • 1. a birthday wish


  • 2. Wish me luck!


  • 3. The genie granted him three wishes.


  • 4. I wish I hadn't eaten so much.


  • 5. It's no use wishing for the impossible.


  • 6. He had no wish to start a fight.


  • 7. Where is he now?’ ‘ I only wish I knew!’


  • 8. I'd rather not talk now.’ ‘ (Just) as you wish.’


  • wish (n.) early 14c., "act of wishing," also "what one wishes for," from wish (v.). Cognate with Old Norse osk, Middle Dutch wonsc, Dutch wens, Old High German wunsc, German Wunsch "a wish." Wish fulfillment (1901) translates German wunscherfüllung (Freud, "Die Traumdeutung," 1900).
  • wish (v.) Old English wyscan "to wish, cherish a desire," from Proto-Germanic *wunsk- (source also of Old Norse œskja, Danish ønske, Swedish önska, Middle Dutch wonscen, Dutch wensen, Old High German wunsken, German wunschen "to wish"), from PIE root *wen- (1) "to desire, strive for." Related: Wished; wishing. Wishing well as an enchanted water hole attested by 1819.
wish / wɪʃ ; NAmE wɪʃ / verb , noun wish wishes wished wishing verb 1 [transitive ] ( not usually used in the present progressive tense 通常不用于现在进行时 ) to want sth to happen or to be true even though it is unlikely or impossible 希望(不大可能的事)发生;怀着(不可能实现的)愿望 wish(that)… I wish I were taller. 我要是个子高一些就好了。 ( BrE also) I wish I was taller. 我要是个子高一些就好了。 I wish I hadn't eaten so much. 我倒希望我没有吃这么多。 ‘Where is he now?’ ‘ I only wishI knew!’ “他现在在哪儿?”“我要是知道就好了!” I wish you wouldn't leave your clothes all over the floor. 我真希望你不把衣服丢得满地都是。 HELP  ‘That’ is nearly always left out, especially in speech. 尤其在口语中 that 几乎总是给省略掉。 wishsb/sth/yourself + adj. He's dead and it's no use wishing him alive again. 他死了,希望他死而复生是无济于事的。 wishsb/sth/yourself + adv./prep. She wished herself a million miles away. 她恨不得自己远在百万英里之外。 2 [intransitive ,  transitive ] ( especially BrE) ( formal) to want to do sth; to want sth to happen 希望(做某事);想要(某事发生) You may stay until morning, if you wish. 如果你愿意,你可以一直待到早晨。 ‘I'd rather not talk now.’ ‘ (Just) as you wish. “现在我最好还是不说话。”“悉听尊便。” wishto do sth This course is designed for people wishing to update their computer skills. 这门课程是为想要提高电脑技术的人而设的。 I wish to speak to the manager. 我想跟经理说话。 I don't wish (= I don't mean)to be rude, but could you be a little quieter? 我不想无礼,但请您安静一点儿好吗? wishsb sth She could not believe that he wished her harm. 她不能相信他希望她受到伤害。 wishsb/sth to do sth He was not sure whether he wished her to stay or go. 他说不准他到底是希望她留下还是走开。 3 [intransitive ] wish(for sth) to think very hard that you want sth, especially sth that can only be achieved by good luck or magic 盼望;企求;想要 She shut her eyes and wished for him to get better. 她闭上眼睛盼祷他好起来。 If you wish really hard, maybe you'll get what you want. 心诚则灵。 It's no use wishing for the impossible. 企求不可能的事情是徒劳无益的。 He has everything he could possibly wish for. 他可能想要的一切东西他都有了。 4 [transitive ] to say that you hope that sb will be happy, lucky, etc. 祝;祝愿 wishsb sth I wished her a happy birthday. 我祝她生日快乐。 Wish me luck! 祝我交好运吧! ~ sb well We wish them both well in their retirement. 我们祝愿他们两位退休后颐养天年。 IDIOM I ˈwish! ( informal) used to say that sth is impossible or very unlikely, although you wish it were possible 但愿如此(但不可能或不大可能) SYN if only ‘You'll have finished by tomorrow.’ ‘I wish!’ “你到明天就完成了。”“但愿如此!” PHRASAL VERBS ˌwish sth aˈway to try to get rid of sth by wishing it did not exist 从心里竭力摆脱;希望…不再存在 ˈwish sb/sth on sb ( informal) ( used in negative sentences 用于否定句 ) to want sb to have sth unpleasant 想让…有(不愉快的事) I wouldn't wish something like that on my worst enemy. 即使是我的死对头,我也不想他出那样的事。 noun 1 [countable ] a desire or a feeling that you want to do sth or have sth 愿望;希望 wish(to do sth) She expressed a wish to be alone. 她表示希望没有人打扰她。 He had no wish tostart a fight. 他无意挑衅。 His dearest wish (= what he wants most of all)is to see his grandchildren again. 他最大的愿望是能再次见到自己的孙子孙女。 wishfor sth I can understand her wish for secrecy. 我可以理解她想保守秘密的愿望。 wishthat… It was her dying wish that I should have it. 她的临终愿望是把这东西留给我。 2 [countable ] a thing that you want to have or to happen 想要的东西;希望的事 to carry out sb's wishes 实现某人的愿望 I'm sure that you will get your wish. 我相信你会心想事成。 She married againsther parents' wishes. 她违背父母的愿望嫁给了别的人。 see also death wish 3 [countable ] an attempt to make sth happen by thinking hard about it, especially in stories when it often happens by magic 愿;心愿 Throw some money in the fountain and make a wish. 往喷泉里扔些钱,许个愿。 The genie granted him three wishes. 精灵准许他表达三个心愿。 The prince's wish came true. 王子的愿望实现了。 4 wishes [plural ] wish(for sth) used especially in a letter or card to say that you hope that sb will be happy, well or successful (书信或贺卡等中的)祝愿,祝福 We all send our best wishesfor the future. 我们都对未来致以最好的祝愿。 Give my good wishes to the family. 请替我向全家致意。 With best wishes (= for example, at the end of a letter) 祝好(如信中结尾语) IDIOMS if wishes were ˌhorses, beggars would/might ˈride ( saying) wishing for sth does not make it happen 想有不见得就有;愿望不等于事实 your wish is my comˈmand ( humorous) used to say that you are ready to do whatever sb asks you to do 悉听阁下吩咐 the wish is father to the ˈthought ( saying) we believe a thing because we want it to be true 希望什么就相信什么 GRAMMAR POINT 语法说明 wish After the verb wishin sense 1, a past tense is always used in a thatclause. 动词 wish 作第 1 义时,后面的 that 从句总是用过去时: Do you wish (that) you hada better job? 你希望有个更好的工作吗? In more formal English, especially in NAmE,many people use wereafter I, he, she, itinstead of was. 在更正式的英语,尤其是美式英语中,许多人在 I、he、she、it 之后用 were,而不用 was: I wish he werehere tonight. 要是他今晚在这儿就好了。 wish / wɪʃ ; NAmE wɪʃ /
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