wipe 英 [waɪp]   美 [waɪp]


wipe  英 [waɪp] 美 [waɪp]

vt. 擦;消除  n. 擦拭 

进行时:wiping  过去式:wiped  过去分词:wiped  第三人称单数:wipes  名词复数:wipes 

Please wipe your feet on the mat. 请在垫子上蹭一蹭脚。
He wiped the sweat from his forehead. 他擦去额头上的汗。

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  • vt. 擦;消除
  • n. 擦拭
  • 1. Please wipe your feet on the mat.


  • 2. He wiped the sweat from his forehead.


  • 3. Wipe that stupid smile off your face.


  • 4. She wiped off her make-up.


  • 5. Somebody had wiped all the tapes.


  • 6. You can never wipe out the past.


  • 7. Can you give the table a quick wipe?


  • wipe (n.) 1640s, "act of wiping," from wipe (v.). From 1708 as "something used in wiping" (especially a handkerchief); 1971 as "disposable absorbent tissue."
  • wipe (v.) Old English wipian "to wipe, cleanse," from Proto-Germanic *wipjan "to move back and forth" (source also of Danish vippe, Middle Dutch, Dutch vippen, Old High German wifan "to swing"), from PIE root *weip- "to turn, vacillate, tremble."
wipe / waɪp ; NAmE waɪp / verb , noun wipe wipes wiped wiping verb 1 to rub sth against a surface, in order to remove dirt or liquid from it; to rub a surface with a cloth, etc. in order to clean it 擦;拭;抹;揩;蹭 wipesth (on sth) Please wipe your feet on the mat. 请在垫子上蹭一蹭脚。 He wiped his hands on a clean towel. 他用一块干净的手巾擦了擦双手。 wipesth with sth She was sniffing and wiping her eyes with a tissue. 她边抽泣边用手巾纸拭擦眼泪。 wipesth + adj. He wiped his plate clean with a piece of bread. 他用一块面包把碟子擦干净。 2 to remove dirt, liquid, etc. from sth by using a cloth, your hand, etc. (用布、手等)擦干净,抹掉 wipesth (from/off sth) He wiped the sweat from his forehead. 他擦去额头上的汗。 ( figurative) Wipe that stupid smile off your face. 别那么傻笑啦。 wipesth away/off/up She wiped off her make-up. 她把化的妆擦掉了。 Use that cloth to wipe up the mess. 用那块布把脏东西擦掉。 3 to remove information, sound, images, etc. from a computer, tape or video 消除,抹去(计算机、磁带或录像带上的信息等) SYN erase wipesth off (sth) You must have wiped off that programme I recorded. 你一定是把我录制的节目给抹掉了。 wipesth Somebody had wiped all the tapes. 有人把所有磁带上录制的内容都抹掉了。 4 to deliberately forget an experience because it was unpleasant or embarrassing 抹去(旧事) SYN erase wipesth from sth I tried to wipe the whole episode from my mind. 我设法把这整个经历从心中抹掉。 wipesth out You can never wipe out the past. 你永远不能把过去一笔勾销。 IDIOMS wipe sb/sth off the ˌface of the ˈearth | wipe sth off the ˈmap to destroy or remove sb/sth completely 使…从地球上消失;彻底消除 wipe the slate ˈclean to agree to forget about past mistakes or arguments and start again with a relationship 把以往过错一笔勾销;一消前愆;捐弃前嫌 more at floor n. PHRASAL VERBS ˌwipe sth↔ˈdown to clean a surface completely, using a wet cloth (用湿布)彻底揩擦干净 She took a cloth and wiped down the kitchen table. 她拿了一块布把厨房桌面擦得干干净净。 wipe sth off sth to remove sth from sth 从…除掉(或抹掉) Billions of pounds were wiped off share prices today. 今天的股票价格下挫造成数十亿英镑的损失。 ˌwipe ˈout ( informal) to fall over, especially when you are doing a sport such as skiingor surfing (尤指做滑雪或冲浪等体育运动时)跌倒,翻跌下来 ˌwipe sb↔ˈout ( informal) to make sb extremely tired 使疲惫不堪 All that travelling has wiped her out. 一路舟车辛劳让她疲惫不堪。 see also wiped out ˌwipe sb/sth↔ˈout [often passive ] to destroy or remove sb/sth completely 彻底消灭;全部摧毁 Whole villages were wiped out by the earthquake. 地震把整座整座的村庄夷为平地。 Last year's profits were virtually wiped out. 去年的利润几乎全都赔光了。 a campaign to wipe out malaria 消灭疟疾的运动 related noun wipeout noun 1 an act of cleaning sth using a cloth 擦;揩;拭 Can you give the table a quick wipe? 你把桌子快速擦一下行吗? 2 a special piece of thin cloth or soft paper that has been treated with a liquid and that you use to clean away dirt and bacteria (湿)抹布,纸巾 Remember to take nappies and baby wipes. 记住带尿布和婴儿的湿纸巾。 wipe / waɪp ; NAmE waɪp /
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