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- vt. 欺骗,诱骗;消遣
- n. 诡计,阴谋
1. It was also considered that if someone had hours to wile away, they should be practicing their archery, not whacking at wooden balls with mallets.
2. I compared those who hadn’t noticed this peak to wile E. Coyote of the “Road Runner” cartoons, who runs off the cliff and finds himself suspended in air before dropping to the valley floor.
我把那些没有注意到这些的人比作 Wile E. Coyote笔下的卡通“公路奔跑者”,直到冲下悬崖才发现自己悬在空中,即将坠落谷底。
3. One particularly grim day in the middle of the financial collapse, as the value of my retirement account plummeted like wile E. Coyote off a cliff, my brother asked me if I had considered buying gold.
经济危机期间又一个异常严酷的日子,我的退休账户如同大笨狼怀尔(Wile E. Coyote 漫画人物)一样直直冲落悬崖,哥哥还问我有没有想过买点黄金。
- wile (n.) late Old English, wil "stratagem, trick, sly artifice," perhaps from Old North French *wile (Old French guile), or directly from a Scandinavian source (compare Old Norse vel "trick, craft, fraud," vela "defraud"). Perhaps ultimately related to Old English wicca "wizard" (see Wicca). Lighter sense of "amorous or playful trick" is from c. 1600.
- wile (v.) late 14c., "to deceive," from wile (n.). Related: Wiled; wiling. Sense of "cause (time, etc.) to pass pleasantly, divert attention pleasantly" is by 1796, from confusion with while (v.).
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