whiny 英 ['hwaɪnɪ]   美 ['hwaɪni]


whiny  英 ['hwaɪnɪ] 美 ['hwaɪni]

adj. 烦躁的;爱抱怨的;常发牢骚的 


The same request comes off very differently if it's done with a smile and a hug, as opposed to a whiny tone or angry face. 同样的请求您以微笑和拥抱来表达或者相反以烦躁的口吻和生气的表情来表达所得到的效果是大相径庭的。
Yet court documents paint Mr. Murphy as a whiny, disgruntled spy-agency employee even while he served as a ringleader, passing cash and computer equipment to his alleged co-conspirators. 但法庭文件显示,墨菲是个性情烦躁、满腹牢骚的间谍机构的雇员,他甚至还是个头目,负责向其同伙发放现金及计算机设备。

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  • adj. 烦躁的;爱抱怨的;常发牢骚的
  • 1. The same request comes off very differently if it's done with a smile and a hug, as opposed to a whiny tone or angry face.


  • 2. Yet court documents paint Mr. Murphy as a whiny, disgruntled spy-agency employee even while he served as a ringleader, passing cash and computer equipment to his alleged co-conspirators.


  • 3. It would be less whiny and more appreciative.


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