janitorial [,dʒænɪ'tɔːrɪəl]  


janitorial  [,dʒænɪ'tɔːrɪəl]

phrase. 管理的  phrase. 保洁用品 

Abruzzi skates down a corridor, pushing a janitorial bin with mops and brooms hanging from the side. Abruzzi快步走过一条走廊,推着一辆清洁车,旁边挂着拖把和扫帚。
The job description of a macrophage includes janitorial services such as this, particularly when there is lipid. 巨噬细胞的这种防御功能,尤其是在含脂质较多的组织中发挥得更明显。

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  • phrase. 管理的
  • phrase. 保洁用品
  • 1. Abruzzi skates down a corridor, pushing a janitorial bin with mops and brooms hanging from the side.


  • 2. The job description of a macrophage includes janitorial services such as this, particularly when there is lipid.


  • 3. Now he is grateful for the $12 an hour he makes in what is known in unemployment circles as a “survival job” at a friend’s janitorial services company.


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