warrantless 英 ['wɒrəntlɪs]  


warrantless  英 ['wɒrəntlɪs]

phrase. 无保证的  phrase. 未经授权的  phrase. 不正当的 

So Obama's famous position of not looking backward seems to apply only to crimes like torture or illegal warrantless surveillance. 因此,奥巴马过往不究这一众所周知立场看似只适合于严刑逼供或非法监视。
You have the right to challenge the legality of a warrantless search in court. 你有权就无搜查令的合法性问题在法庭进行辩驳。

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  • phrase. 无保证的
  • phrase. 未经授权的
  • phrase. 不正当的
  • phrase. 无令状的
  • 1. So Obama's famous position of not looking backward seems to apply only to crimes like torture or illegal warrantless surveillance.


  • 2. You have the right to challenge the legality of a warrantless search in court.


  • 3. The "war on terror" has been used to justify warrantless wiretaps, detention without charges and other attacks on constitutional rights.


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