vested 英 ['vestɪd]   美 ['vɛstɪd]


vested  英 ['vestɪd] 美 ['vɛstɪd]

adj. 既定的;穿着衣服(尤指祭服)的;(美)带背心的(指西服套装)  v. (财产、权利等)授予(vest的过去式和过去分词);使穿衣服 

We did it by recognizing that we rise or we fall together as one nation – one people – all of us vested in one another. 我们做到这一点也是因为我们认识到:我们属于同一国家、同一民族,我们患难与共,归属彼此。
Find out which potential partners have a vested interest in your success and sell to them before you sell to the customer. 找出那些潜在的合作伙伴对你的成功有利,把你的产品(或服务)卖给客户之前先卖给他们。

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  • adj. 既定的;穿着衣服(尤指祭服)的;(美)带背心的(指西服套装)
  • v. (财产、权利等)授予(vest的过去式和过去分词);使穿衣服
  • 1. We did it by recognizing that we rise or we fall together as one nation – one people – all of us vested in one another.


  • 2. Find out which potential partners have a vested interest in your success and sell to them before you sell to the customer.


  • 3. But local governments depend on the tax revenue generated from such purchases, so they, too, have a vested interest in keeping the system in place.


  • vested (adj.) "established, secured, settled, not in a state of contingency," 1766, past-participle adjective from vest (v.).
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