partisanship 美['pɑrtəzən,ʃɪp]  


partisanship  美['pɑrtəzən,ʃɪp]

n. 党派性;党派偏见;对党派的忠诚 


The second concern has to do with partisanship. 这第二种担忧则与党派偏见有关。
Some of those choices will be difficult, but America is a strong and resilient country. I know that we will succeed, if we put aside partisanship and work together as one nation. 做出一些抉择是艰难的,但美利坚合众国是一个强盛而富有活力的国家,我知道我们会成功的,我们只需要摒弃党派之嫌,团结一致。

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  • n. 党派性;党派偏见;对党派的忠诚
  • 1. The second concern has to do with partisanship.


  • 2. Some of those choices will be difficult, but America is a strong and resilient country. I know that we will succeed, if we put aside partisanship and work together as one nation.


  • 3. All I could do was to keep searching for common ground, keep trying to temper the bitter partisanship in Washington, and keep doing my best as President.


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