vaunted ['vɔntɪd]  


vaunted  ['vɔntɪd]

adj. 自夸的;大肆吹嘘的  v. 夸耀;吹牛(vaunt的过去分词) 

Scaling back of the vaunted service is the latest backtrack by the Ministry of Railways from its high-speed system since a deadly accident on the rails outside Wenzhou last month. 京沪高铁一直受到大肆吹捧,此次削减列车开行数量是自上个月温州发生严重铁路事故以来铁道部在对待高速铁路系统态度上的最新转变。

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  • adj. 自夸的;大肆吹嘘的
  • v. 夸耀;吹牛(vaunt的过去分词)
  • 1. Scaling back of the vaunted service is the latest backtrack by the Ministry of Railways from its high-speed system since a deadly accident on the rails outside Wenzhou last month.


vaunt·ed / ˈvɔːntɪd ; NAmE ˈvɔːntɪd / adjective [usually before noun ] ( formal) proudly talked about or praised as being very good, especially when this is not deserved 被吹嘘的;被夸耀的 Their much vauntedreforms did not materialize. 他们大肆吹嘘的改革并没有实现。 vaunt·ed / ˈvɔːntɪd ; NAmE ˈvɔːntɪd /
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