silica 英 ['sɪlɪkə]   美 ['sɪlɪkə]


silica  英 ['sɪlɪkə] 美 ['sɪlɪkə]

n. 二氧化硅;[材] 硅土 


While her team is confident that coal burning is causing the high rates of cancer, they are not certain it is due to silica. 她的团队相信,煤的燃烧导致了肺癌的高发病率,但是他们不能确定这是二氧化硅引起的。
Diatoms already secrete silica by exocytosis—a biological process by which cells direct secreted material outside the cell walls. 硅藻已经通过胞外分泌二氧化硅,这是细胞直接把物质分泌出细胞壁的一个生物过程。

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  • n. 二氧化硅;[材] 硅土
  • 1. While her team is confident that coal burning is causing the high rates of cancer, they are not certain it is due to silica.


  • 2. Diatoms already secrete silica by exocytosis—a biological process by which cells direct secreted material outside the cell walls.


  • 3. Unfortunately, for the SEIA report to suggest such a scenario, its authors relied on an unprecedented, broad measure of U.S. exports, which included raw materials like silica and U.S. machinery.


  • silica (n.) "hard silicon dioxide," 1801, Modern Latin, from Latin silex (genitive silicis) "flint, pebble," on model of alumina, soda.
sil·ica / ˈsɪlɪkə ; NAmE ˈsɪlɪkə / noun [uncountable ] ( symb.SiO 2 ) a chemical containing siliconfound in sand and in rocks such as quartz,used in making glass and cement 二氧化硅; 二氧化硅 sil·ica / ˈsɪlɪkə ; NAmE ˈsɪlɪkə /
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