vanquished ['væŋkwiʃt]  


vanquished  ['væŋkwiʃt]

adj. 被征服的  v. 征服(vanquish的过去式) 

They exhibit all the virtues of the first team, with the vanquished opponents barely touching the ball. 他们展示了一队的所有品质,仅仅是不让对手碰到皮球,便征服了他们。
Mallory’s death was part of a heroic age of mountaineering and exploration when the tallest peaks of the Himalayas were yet to be vanquished. 马洛里的死只是登山探险的英雄时代的一部分,在那个时代里,喜马拉雅山脉的最高峰尚未有人征服过。

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  • adj. 被征服的
  • v. 征服(vanquish的过去式)
  • 1. They exhibit all the virtues of the first team, with the vanquished opponents barely touching the ball.


  • 2. Mallory’s death was part of a heroic age of mountaineering and exploration when the tallest peaks of the Himalayas were yet to be vanquished.


  • 3. But the Turkish mustache was not so easily vanquished; it continued toadvance and retreat, in both size and significance, in the decades thatfollowed.


the van·quished / ˈvæŋkwɪʃt ; NAmE ˈvæŋkwɪʃt / noun [plural ] ( literary) people who have been completely defeated in a competition, war, etc. 战败者;被完全征服的人;败阵者 van·quished / ˈvæŋkwɪʃt ; NAmE ˈvæŋkwɪʃt /
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