cooperatively [kəu'ɔpəreitivli]  


cooperatively  [kəu'ɔpəreitivli]

adv. 合作地 

I look forward to working with you cooperatively, and in a spirit of mutual respect. 我期望和你们一起努力合作,并本着相互尊重的精神。
The foreign cooperator shall send a certain number of teachers from its own educational institution to teach in the Chinese-foreign cooperatively-run school. 外方合作办学者应当从本教育机构中选派一定数量的教师到中外合作办学机构任教。

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  • adv. 合作地
  • 1. I look forward to working with you cooperatively, and in a spirit of mutual respect.


  • 2. The foreign cooperator shall send a certain number of teachers from its own educational institution to teach in the Chinese-foreign cooperatively-run school.


  • 3. Negotiate cooperatively as a matter of personal dedication to the company’s single focused destiny, even as painful adjustments become necessary.


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