upturned [,ʌp'tɝnd]  


upturned  [,ʌp'tɝnd]

adj. 朝上的;向上翘的;翻过来的 

Instead of coffee tables, designers seem to have used upturned wooden boxes. 看起来设计者是把木箱子翻过来当咖啡桌使用。
Part of the area’s charm derives from its graceful buildings erected in the traditional Bai architectural style, with upturned roof gables evocative of Thai temples. 大理的魅力之一在其传统的白族建筑风格的建筑,有着朝上的三角墙屋顶,让人想起了泰国的寺庙。

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  • adj. 朝上的;向上翘的;翻过来的
  • 1. Instead of coffee tables, designers seem to have used upturned wooden boxes.


  • 2. Part of the area’s charm derives from its graceful buildings erected in the traditional Bai architectural style, with upturned roof gables evocative of Thai temples.


  • 3. She would have refused him politely had they been standing together on the ground, but, looking down at his upturned face, she felt that any excuse would be trivial.

    假如他们两人都站在平地上,她就会礼貌地婉拒他。 但是居高临下看着他仰起的脸,她觉得找任何一个借口都很无聊。

up·turned / ˌʌpˈtɜːnd ; NAmE ˌʌpˈtɜːrnd / adjective [usually before noun ] 1 pointing or facing upwards 向上翘的;面朝上的 an upturned nose (= that curves upwards at the end) 翘鼻子 She looked down at the sea of upturned faces. 她俯视着一大片仰起的脸孔。 2 turned upside down 颠倒的;翻转的;倒着的 She sat on an upturned box. 她坐在一个倒放的箱子上。 up·turned / ˌʌpˈtɜːnd ; NAmE ˌʌpˈtɜːrnd /
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