alum 英 ['æləm]   美 ['æləm]


alum  英 ['æləm] 美 ['æləm]

n. 矾;明矾 


alum will settle turbid water. 明矾可以澄清浊水。
Purchase alum from any grocery store or pharmacy. 首先从食品杂货店或者药店买一些明矾。

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  • n. 矾;明矾
  • 1. alum will settle turbid water.


  • 2. Purchase alum from any grocery store or pharmacy.


  • 3. You can clarify the water by adding a little alum.


  • alum (n.) "whitish mineral salt used as an astringent, dye, etc.," late 14c., from Old French alum, alun, from Latin alumen "alum," literally "bitter salt," cognate with Greek aludoimos "bitter" and perhaps with English ale. The Slavic words are said to be from Germanic.
alum / ˈæləm ; NAmE ˈæləm / noun [uncountable ] a substance formed from aluminium/aluminumand another metal, used, for example, to prepare leather and to change the colour of things 明矾,白矾(用于制革、印染等) alum / ˈæləm ; NAmE ˈæləm /
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