unpleasantly [ʌn'plezntli]  


unpleasantly  [ʌn'plezntli]

adv. 令人不愉快地,不讨人喜欢地 

So they objected – quite unpleasantly – to me naming my subjects and for suggesting that they had personalities, minds and feelings. 古德回忆说,“因此他们反对——非常不高兴——对我命名我的实验对象且暗示它们有性格,思想和感情。
The first flavour I notice is sweetness, unpleasantly so, then a burning heat, then a back of the throat translation of the musty smell into taste. 我感觉到的第一次的味道是甜,却不让人愉快,接下来是灼人的热,然后一股发霉的味道从喉咙后面传了出来。

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  • adv. 令人不愉快地,不讨人喜欢地
  • 1. So they objected – quite unpleasantly – to me naming my subjects and for suggesting that they had personalities, minds and feelings.


  • 2. The first flavour I notice is sweetness, unpleasantly so, then a burning heat, then a back of the throat translation of the musty smell into taste.


  • 3. The most unpleasant part comes after 15 minutes, when my legs, returning to normal body temperature, have an unpleasantly warm cramp radiating from within and a dull, itchy feeling all over.


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