peacefulness ['pi:sfulnis]  


peacefulness  ['pi:sfulnis]

n. 平静;温和 


And at last came this inner shift not as a decision of mine but as a spontaneous change of belief about myself, a deep reconciliation and peacefulness. 这样的内在转变最后所以发生并非我作出的决定,它是一种自然发生的,自我信念上的转变,是一种深刻的和解与平静。
There comes a moment when you think you may not get through, and in that moment there's a peacefulness that settles over you and you're no longer afraid. 每次遭遇危险的时刻,你想着可能要完蛋了;但就在那个时刻,会出现一种异乎寻常的平静,让你不再感到害怕。

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  • n. 平静;温和
  • 1. And at last came this inner shift not as a decision of mine but as a spontaneous change of belief about myself, a deep reconciliation and peacefulness.


  • 2. There comes a moment when you think you may not get through, and in that moment there's a peacefulness that settles over you and you're no longer afraid.


  • 3. Live lively during the day, and enjoy the peacefulness out of the night.


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