unplanned 美[,ʌn'plænd]  


unplanned  美[,ʌn'plænd]

adj. 意外的;在计划外的;未经筹划的 

But the flaw is that all of production is unplanned. 然而,这个缺陷就是:所有的生产都是无计划的。
Often, the business context must be stored persistently to avoid loss of the context, thus ensuring the correct execution of a business process even in case of planned or unplanned system outages. 为了避免业务上下文的丢失,业务上下文常常必须被持久地存储,从而确保即使遇上计划的或意外的系统失败,业务流程也能正确执行。

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  • adj. 意外的;在计划外的;未经筹划的
  • 1. But the flaw is that all of production is unplanned.


  • 2. Often, the business context must be stored persistently to avoid loss of the context, thus ensuring the correct execution of a business process even in case of planned or unplanned system outages.


  • 3. Considering this during the design and implementation phase will reduce the effort and confusion often associated with unplanned utilization.


  • unplanned (adj.) by 1804, from un- (1) "not" + past participle of plan (v.).
un·planned / ˌʌnˈplænd ; NAmE ˌʌnˈplænd / adjective not planned in advance 未计划(或筹划)的;意外的 an unplanned pregnancy 意外怀孕 un·planned / ˌʌnˈplænd ; NAmE ˌʌnˈplænd /
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