twin 英 [twɪn]   美 [twɪn]


twin  英 [twɪn] 美 [twɪn]

v. 使成对  n. 双胞胎中一人  adj. 双胞胎的 

进行时:twinning  过去式:twinned  过去分词:twinned  第三人称单数:twins  名词复数:twins 

His wife gave birth to twin girls. 她妻子生了一对双胞胎女孩。
She's expecting twins. 她怀着双胞胎。

  • When mammals have two babies at once, each of them is a twin. If you have a twin brother or sister, the two of you are always the same age.
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  • v. 使成对
  • n. 双胞胎中一人
  • adj. 双胞胎的
  • 1. His wife gave birth to twin girls.


  • 2. She's expecting twins.


  • 3. Oxford is twinned with Bonn in Germany.


  • 4. twin boys, twin girls


  • 5. a twin brother, a twin sister


  • 6. a ship with twin propellers


  • twin (adj.) Old English twinn "consisting of two, twofold, double, two-by-two," from Proto-Germanic *twisnjaz "double" (source also of Old Norse tvinnr "double, twin," Old Danish tvinling, Dutch tweeling, German zwillung), from PIE *dwisno- (source also of Latin bini "two each," Lithuanian dvynu "twins"), from *dwi- "double," from root *dwo- "two." Minneapolis and St. Paul in Minnesota have been the Twin Cities since 1883, but the phrase was used earlier of Rock Island and Davenport (1856).
  • twin (n.) c. 1300, from Old English getwinn "double;" getwinnas "twins, two born at one birth," from twinn (see twin (adj.)).
  • twin (v.) "to combine two things closely, join, couple," late 14c., from twin (adj.). Related: Twinned; twinning. In Middle English, the verb earlier and typically meant "to part, part with, separate from, estrange," etc. (c. 1200), on the notion of making two what was one.
twin / twɪn ; NAmE twɪn / noun , verb , adjective twin twins twinned twinning noun 1 one of two children born at the same time to the same mother 孪生儿之一;双胞胎之一 She's expecting twins. 她怀着双胞胎。 collocationsat child see also conjoined twin , fraternal twin , identical twin , Siamese twin 2 one of two similar things that make a pair 一对相像的事物之一 verb ( -nn- ) 1 [usually passive ] twinsth (with sth) to make a close relationship between two towns or areas 使结成姊妹城市;使结成友好地区 Oxford is twinned with Bonn in Germany. 牛津和德国的波恩结成了友好城市。 2 twinsth (with sth) to join two people or things closely together 使(两人或两事物)紧密结合;使偶合;使相连 The opera twins the themes of love and death. 这出歌剧把爱与死的主题紧密结合在一起。 adjective [only before noun ] 1 used to describe one of a pair of children who are twins 孪生之一的;双胞胎之一的 twin boys/girls 孪生男孩╱女孩 a twin brother/sister 孪生兄弟╱姐妹中的一个 2 used to describe two things that are used as a pair 成对的;成双的 a ship with twin propellers 有双螺旋桨的船 3 used to describe two things that are connected, or present or happening at the same time 双重的;双联的;两个同时发生的 The prison service has the twin goals of punishment and rehabilitation. 监狱有惩罚和改造双重目的。 twin / twɪn ; NAmE twɪn /
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