- When you turn something, you rotate it or move it around an axis, the way you turn a key in a lock or turn a car's steering wheel.
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- vt. 转动;转弯;翻转;
- vi. 转向;转变;
1. He turned the key in the lock.
2. We turned and headed for home.
3. She turned to look at me.
4. He turned back to his work.
5. He turned his back to the wall.
6. He turned into a narrow street.
7. He turned the gun on himself.
8. Turn to p.23.
翻到第 23 页。
9. The weather has turned cold.
10. She turns 21 in June.
她到六月份就满 21 岁了。
11. Give the handle a few turns.
12. When it's your turn, take another card.
- turn (n.) c. 1200, "action of rotating," from Anglo-French tourn (Old French torn, tour), from Latin tornus "turning lathe;" also partly from turn (v.). Meaning "an act of turning, a single revolution or part of a revolution" is attested from late 15c. Sense of "place of bending" (in a road, river, etc.) is recorded from early 15c. Meaning "beginning of a period of time" is attested from 1853 (as in turn-of-the-century, from 1921 as an adjectival phrase).
- turn (v.) late Old English turnian "to rotate, revolve," in part also from Old French torner "to turn away or around; draw aside, cause to turn; change, transform; turn on a lathe" (Modern French tourner), both from Latin tornare "to polish, round off, fashion, turn on a lathe," from tornus "lathe," from Greek tornos "lathe, tool for drawing circles," from PIE root *tere- (1) "to rub, turn." Transitive sense in English is from c. 1300. Related: Turned; turning.
turn ★ / tɜːn ; NAmE tɜːrn / verb , noun turn turns turned turning verb ★ move round 转动 1 ★ [intransitive , transitive ] to move or make sth move around a central point (使)转动,旋转 ◆ The wheels of the car began to turn. 汽车的轮子开始转动起来。 ◆ I can't get the screw to turn. 我拧不动这个螺丝钉。 turnsth (+ adv./prep.) ◆ He turned the key in the lock. 他转动钥匙开锁。 ◆ She turned the wheel sharply to the left. 她猛地向左打方向盘。 change position/direction 改变位置╱方向 2 ★ [intransitive , transitive ] to move your body or part of your body so as to face or start moving in a different direction 转身;扭转(身体部位) ◆ We turned and headed for home. 我们转身朝家走去。 ◆ She turned to look at me. 她转过头来看着我。 + adv./prep. ◆ He turned back to his work. 他回去继续工作。 ◆ I turned away and looked out of the window. 我扭过脸去望着窗外。 turnsth (+ adv./prep.) ◆ He turned his back to the wall. 他转身背对着墙。 ◆ She turned her head away. 她把头扭向别处。 ☞see also turn over 3 ★ [transitive ] turnsth + adv./prep. to move sth so that it is in a different position or facing a different direction 翻转;翻动;把…翻过来 ◆ She turned the chair on its side to repair it. 她把椅子翻转过来修理。 ◆ Turn the sweater inside out before you wash it. 你把针织套衫里面翻过来再洗。 ☞see also turn over 4 ★ [intransitive , transitive ] to change the direction you are moving or travelling in; to make sth change the direction it is moving in (使)改变方向;转弯 turn(into sth) ◆ He turned into a narrow street. 他拐进了一条狭窄的街道。 turnsth ◆ The man turned the cornerand disappeared. 那男人转过街角就没影了。 turnsth into sth ◆ I turned the car into the car park. 我转弯把汽车开进了停车场。 5 ★ [intransitive ] (+ adv./prep.) (of a road or river 道路或河流 ) to curve in a particular direction 转向;转弯 ◆ The road turns to the left after the church. 这条路过了教堂之后向左转弯。 aim/point 瞄准;指向 6 [transitive , intransitive ] to aim or point sth in a particular direction 朝着;向…方向;对准 turnsth (on/to sb/sth/yourself) ◆ Police turned water cannon on the rioters. 警察把高压水枪对准了闹事者。 ◆ He turned the gun on himself. 他把枪口对准了自己。 ◆ She looked at him then turned her attention back to me. 她看了看他,然后又把注意力转回到我的身上。 turnto sb/sth/yourself ◆ His thoughts turned to his dead wife. 他想起了自己已故的妻子。 of tide in sea 海潮 7 [intransitive ] to start to come in or go out 开始涨(或落) ◆ The tide is turning—we'd better get back. 涨潮了,我们最好回去吧。 let sb/sth go 松开 8 [transitive ] to make or let sb/sth go into a particular place or state (使)松开,释放 turnsth + adv./prep. ◆ They turned the horse into the field. 他们把马松开放到牧场里。 turnsth + adj. ◆ to turn the dogs loose 把狗只放开 fold 折叠 9 [transitive ] turnsth + adv./prep. to fold sth in a particular way 折起;翻转 ◆ She turned down the blankets and climbed into bed. 她掀开毯子爬上床去。 ◆ He turned up the collar of his coat and hurried out into the rain. 他竖起大衣领子,冒雨匆匆走了。 cartwheel/somersault 侧手翻;筋斗 10 [transitive , no passive ] turnsth to perform a movement by moving your body in a circle 表演(身体旋转动作) ◆ to turn cartwheels/somersaults 做侧手翻;翻筋斗 page 书页 11 ★ [transitive , intransitive ] if you turna page of a book or magazine, you move it so that you can read the next page 翻,翻动(书页) turnsth ◆ He sat turning the pages idly. 他坐在那里无所事事地翻着书。 turnto sth ◆ Turn to p.23. 翻到第 23 页。 game 比赛 12 [intransitive , transitive ] turn(sth) (around) if a game turnsor sb turnsit, it changes the way it is developing so that a different person or team starts to win (使)逆转 become 变成 13 ★ linking verb to change into a particular state or condition; to make sth do this (使)变成,成为 + adj. ◆ The leaves were turning brown. 叶子变了褐色。 ◆ The weather has turned cold. 天气变得寒冷了。 ◆ He turned nasty when we refused to give him the money. 我们不给他钱时,他变得穷凶极恶。 ◆ He decided to turn professional. 他决定转为职业人员。 turnsth + adj. ◆ The heat turned the milk sour. 炎热的天气使得牛奶变酸了。 + noun ◆ She turned a deathly shade of white when she heard the news. 她听到这个消息时面如死灰。 ◆ He's a lawyer turned politician (= he used to be a lawyer but is now a politician). 他以前是个律师,现在成为政治家了。 ☞synonyms at become age/time 年龄;时间 14 linking verb ( not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时 ) + noun to reach or pass a particular age or time 到达,超过(某一年龄或时间) ◆ She turns 21 in June. 她到六月份就满 21 岁了。 ◆ It's turned midnight. 已过了午夜。 stomach 胃 15 [intransitive , transitive ] ~ (your stomach) when your stomach turnsor sth turnsyour stomach, you feel as though you will vomit 作呕;恶心;使(胃)不适 wood 木材 16 [transitive ] turnsth to shape sth on a lathe (在车床上)车削 ◆ to turn a chair leg 在车床上车椅子腿 ◆ turned boxes and bowls 车削成的盒和碗 IDIOMS Most idioms containing turnare at the entries for the nouns and adjectives in the idioms, for example not turn a hairis at hair. 大多数含 turn 的习语,都可在该等习语中的名词及形容词相关词条找到,如 not turn a hair 在词条 hair 下。 as it/things turned ˈout as was shown or proved by later events 正如后来表明的;果然如此;果不其然 ◆ I didn't need my umbrella, as it turned out (= because it didn't rain). 我果然没用上我的伞。 be well, badly, etc. turned ˈout to be well, badly, etc. dressed 穿着打扮得好(或不好等) turn round/around and do sth ( informal) used to report what sb says or does, when this is surprising or annoying (用以报告令人吃惊或不快的言行)竟会 ◆ How could she turn round and say that, after all I've done for her? 我为她做了这么多,她怎么竟会说出那种话来? PHRASAL VERBS ˌturn aˈgainst sb | ˌturn sb aˈgainst sb to stop or make sb stop being friendly towards sb (使)与…反目成仇,变得敌对 ◆ She turned against her old friend. 她与老朋友翻脸了。 ◆ After the divorce he tried to turn the children against their mother. 他离婚后企图教唆子女反对他们的母亲。 ★ ˌturn aˈround/ˈround | ˌturn sb/sth aˈround/ˈround to change position or direction so as to face the other way; to make sb/sth do this (使)翻身,转身,翻转 ◆ Turn around and let me look at your back. 转过身去让我看看你的后背。 ◆ I turned my chair round to face the fire. 我把椅子转过来面向火炉。 ˌturn aˈround/ˈround | ˌturn sth↔aˈround/ˈround if a business, economy, etc. turns aroundor sb turns it around,it starts being successful after it has been unsuccessful for a time (使企业、经济等)好转,扭转,有起色 ☞related noun turnaround ˌturn sb↔aˈway (from sth) to refuse to allow sb to enter a place 把某人拒之门外;不准某人进入 ◆ Hundreds of people were turned away from the stadium (= because it was full). 体育场满座,数百人被拒之门外。 ◆ They had nowhere to stay so I couldn't turn them away. 他们无处安身,所以我不能把他们打发走。 ★ ˌturn ˈback | ˌturn sb/sth↔ˈback to return the way you have come; to make sb/sth do this (使)原路返回,往回走 ◆ The weather became so bad that they had to turn back. 天气变得非常恶劣,他们不得不循原路折回。 ◆ ( figurative) We said we would do it—there can be no turning back. 我们说过要干这事,不能反悔。 ◆ Our car was turned back at the border. 我们的汽车在边境被挡了回来。 ☞synonyms at return ★ ˌturn sb/sth↔ˈdown to reject or refuse to consider an offer, a proposal, etc. or the person who makes it 拒绝,顶回(提议、建议或提议人) ◆ Why did she turn down your invitation? 她为什么谢绝你的邀请? ◆ He has been turned down for ten jobs so far. 他迄今申请了十份工作都遭到拒绝。 ◆ He asked her to marry him but she turned him down. 他请求她嫁给他,但是她回绝了。 ★ ˌturn sth↔ˈdown to reduce the noise, heat, etc. produced by a piece of equipment by moving its controls 把…调低;关小 ◆ Please turn the volume down. 请把音量调低些。 + adj. ◆ He turned the lights down low. 他把灯光调得暗了一些。 ˌturn ˈin 1 to face or curve towards the centre 朝内;向内拐 ◆ Her feet turn in. 她的两脚呈内八字。 2 ( old-fashioned) to go to bed 上床睡觉 ˌturn sb↔ˈin ( informal) to take sb to the police or sb in authority because they have committed a crime 把…扭送(到警察局);使自首 ◆ She threatened to turn him in to the police. 她扬言要把他交给警方。 ◆ He decided to turn himself in. 他决定到警察局去自首。 ˌturn sth↔ˈin 1 to give back sth that you no longer need 交还,退还(不再需要的东西) ◆ You must turn in your pass when you leave the building. 你离开大楼时必须交还通行证。 2 ( especially NAmE) to give sth to sb in authority 上交;呈交;提交 ◆ They turned in a petition with 80 000 signatures. 他们递交了一份有 8 万人签名的请愿书。 ◆ I haven't even turned in Monday's work yet. 我连星期一的作业还没交呢。 3 to achieve a score, performance, profit, etc. 取得(分数);完成(表演);获得(利润) ◆ The champion turned in a superb performance to retain her title. 上届冠军表现十分出色,卫冕成功。 ˌturn ˈin on yourself to become too concerned with your own problems and stop communicating with others 忙于自己的事情而不与人交往;闭门谢客 ★ ˌturn (from sth) ˈinto sth to become sth 变成某事物 ◆ Our dream holiday turned into a nightmare. 我们梦想的假日变成了一场噩梦。 ◆ In one year she turned from a problem child into a model student. 一年内,她从问题儿童变成了模范学生。 ★ ˌturn sb/sth (from sth) ˈinto sth to make sb/sth become sth 使(从…)变成 ◆ Ten years of prison had turned him into an old man. 十年大狱使他变成了一个老头。 ◆ The prince was turned into a frog by the witch. 王子被女巫变成了一只青蛙。 ˌturn ˈoff | ˌturn ˈoff sth [no passive ] to leave a road in order to travel on another 拐弯;转入另一条路 ◆ Is this where we turn off? 这儿是我们换道的地方吗? ◆ The jet began to turn off the main runway. 那架喷气式飞机开始拐出主跑道。 ˌturn ˈoff ( informal) to stop listening to or thinking about sb/sth 不再听;不再想 ◆ I couldn't understand the lecture so I just turned off. 我听不懂讲课,所以也就不听了。 ˌturn sb↔ˈoff 1 to make sb feel bored or not interested 使厌烦;使失去兴趣 ◆ People had been turned off by both candidates in the election. 大选中的两位候选人都让人觉得扫兴。 2 to stop sb feeling sexually attracted; to make sb have a feeling of disgust 使(异性)失去兴趣;使厌恶 ☞related noun turn-off ★ ˌturn sth↔ˈoff to stop the flow of electricity, gas, water, etc. by moving a switch, button, etc. 关掉,截断(电流、煤气、水等) ◆ to turn off the light 关上灯 ◆ Please turn the television off before you go to bed. 睡觉前请关上电视。 ˈturn on sb to attack sb suddenly and unexpectedly 突然攻击 ◆ The dogs suddenly turned on each other. 那两条狗突然互相撕咬了起来。 ◆ Why are you all turning on me (= criticizing or blaming me)? 你们怎么突然都冲我来了? ˈturn on sth [no passive ] 1 ( BrE) to depend on sth 依靠;依…而定;取决于 ◆ Much turns on the outcome of the current peace talks. 事情主要取决于当前和谈的结果。 2 [no passive ] to have sth as it main topic 以…为主题 ◆ The discussion turned on the need to raise standards. 这次讨论的主要议题是提高标准的必要性。 ˌturn sb↔ˈon ( informal) to make sb excited or interested, especially sexually 使性兴奋;使感兴趣 ◆ Jazz has never really turned me on. 我对爵士乐从未真正产生过兴趣。 ◆ She gets turned on by men in uniform. 她看到穿制服的男人就欲火攻心。 ☞related noun turn-on ˌturn sb ˈon (to sth) ( informal) to make sb become interested in sth or to use sth for the first time 使对…感兴趣;使首次使用 ◆ He turned her on to jazz. 他使她对爵士乐产生了兴趣。 ★ ˌturn sth↔ˈon to start the flow of electricity, gas, water, etc. by moving a switch, button, etc. 接通(电流、煤气、水等);打开 ◆ to turn on the heating 打开供热系统 ◆ I'll turn the television on. 我来打开电视机。 ◆ ( figurative) He really knows how to turn on the charm (= suddenly become pleasant and attractive). 他确实懂得如何一展魅力。 ˌturn ˈout 1 to be present at an event 出席(某项活动);在场 ◆ A vast crowd turned out to watch the procession. 有一大群人出来观看游行队伍。 ☞related noun turnout 2 ( used with an adverb or adjective, or in questions with how 与副词或形容词连用,或用于以 how 引导的疑问句 ) to happen in a particular way; to develop or end in a particular way …地发展(或发生);结果… ◆ Despite our worries everything turned out well. 尽管我们都很担心,结果一切都顺利。 ◆ You never know how your children will turn out. 很难说子女将来的发展怎样。 + adj. ◆ If the day turns out wet, we may have to change our plans. 如果那天下雨的话,我们可能得改变计划。 3 to point away from the centre 向外;朝外 ◆ Her toes turn out. 她的脚趾向外撇。 4 ★ to be discovered to be; to prove to be 原来是;证明是;结果是 turnthat… ◆ It turned out that she was a friend of my sister. 她原来是我姐姐的朋友。 turnto be/have sth ◆ The job turned out to be harder than we thought. 这工作结果比我们想像的要难。 ◆ The house they had offered us turned out to be a tiny apartment. 他们向我们提供的房子原来是很小的公寓套间。 ˌturn sb/sth↔ˈout to produce sb/sth 制造;生产;培养出 ◆ The factory turns out 900 cars a week. 这家工厂每周生产 900 辆汽车。 ˌturn sb ˈout (of/from sth) to force sb to leave a place 赶走;逐出;撵走 ˌturn sth↔ˈout 1 to switch a light or a source of heat off 关掉(灯或热源);熄灭 ◆ Remember to turn out the lights when you go to bed. 临睡前别忘了关灯。 2 ( BrE) to clean sth thoroughly by removing the contents and organizing them again 腾空;彻底清理 ◆ to turn out the attic 把阁楼腾空清扫 3 to empty sth, especially your pockets 弄空,掏净(尤指口袋) 4 to make sth point away from the centre 使向外;使朝外 ◆ She turned her toes out. 她把脚趾向外撇。 ˌturn ˈover 1 ★ to change position so that the other side is facing towards the outside or the top 翻身;翻转 ◆ If you turn over you might find it easier to get to sleep. 你若翻个身也许入睡容易些。 ◆ The car skidded and turned over. 汽车打滑向一侧翻倒了。 ◆ ( figurative) The smell made my stomach turn over (= made me feel sick). 这气味让我反胃。 2 (of an engine 发动机 ) to start or to continue to run 发动;转动;继续运转 3 to change to another channel when you are watching television 变换(电视频道) ˌturn ˈover sth to do business worth a particular amount of money in a particular period of time 营业额为…;做金额为…的生意 ◆ The company turns over £3.5 million a year. 这家公司一年的营业额为 350 万英镑。 ☞related noun turnover ˌturn sth↔ˈover 1 ★ to make sth change position so that the other side is facing towards the outside or the top 使翻个儿;使翻转 ◆ Brown the meat on one side, then turn it over and brown the other side. 把肉的一面烤黄,然后翻转过来,再烤另一面。 2 to think about sth carefully 认真思考;深思熟虑 ◆ She kept turning over the events of the day in her mind. 她脑子里不断琢磨当天发生的事。 3 (of a shop/store 商店 ) to sell goods and replace them 周转;销货和进货 ◆ A supermarket will turn over its stock very rapidly. 超级市场的货物周转得很快。 ☞related noun turnover 4 ( informal) to steal from a place 从…偷窃 ◆ Burglars had turned the house over. 盗贼把这所房子盗窃一空。 5 to make an engine start running 发动(引擎) ˌturn sb↔ˈover to sb to deliver sb to the control or care of sb else, especially sb in authority 移交,送交(他人看管,尤指当局) ◆ Customs officials turned the man over to the police. 海关官员把那个男子移交给警方看管。 ˌturn sth↔ˈover to sb to give the control of sth to sb 把…移交给(他人管理) ◆ He turned the business over to his daughter. 他把这个企业交给了女儿管理。 ˌturn sth↔ˈover to sth to change the use or function of sth 改变,转变(用途或功能) ◆ The factory was turned over to the manufacture of aircraft parts. 这家工厂转产飞机部件。 ★ ˈturn to sb/sth to go to sb/sth for help, advice, etc. 向…求助(或寻求指教等) ◆ She has nobody she can turn to. 她求助无门。 ˌturn ˈup 1 ★ to be found, especially by chance, after being lost (尤指失去后偶然)被发现,被找到 ◆ Don't worry about the letter—I'm sure it'll turn up. 别为那封信担心,我相信会找到的。 2 ★ (of a person 人 ) to arrive 到达;来到;露面 ◆ We arranged to meet at 7.30, but she never turned up. 我们约好 7:30 碰头,但她根本没露面。 3 (of an opportunity 机会 ) to happen, especially by chance 偶然出现;到来 ◆ He's still hoping something (= for example, a job or a piece of luck)will turn up. 他仍然在希望会有机会出现。 ☞related noun turn-up ˌturn sth↔ˈup 1 ★ to increase the sound, heat, etc. of a piece of equipment 开大,调高(音量、热量等) ◆ Could you turn the TV up? 你能把电视机的音量开大些吗? + adj. ◆ The music was turned up loud. 音乐的音量开大了。 2 ( BrE) to make a piece of clothing shorter by folding and sewing it up at the bottom 将(衣服的底边)折起缝好;改短 OPP let down ☞related noun turn-up 3 to find sth 找到;发现 ◆ Our efforts to trace him turned up nothing. 我们辛辛苦苦跟踪他,却无功而返。 noun ★ [countable ] movement 活动 1 ★ an act of turning sb/sth around 转动;旋动 ◆ Give the handle a few turns. 转动几下把手。 of road/vehicle 道路;车辆 2 ★ a change in direction in a vehicle (车辆的)转弯,转向 ◆ Make a left/right turninto West Street. 向左╱右拐入西大街。 ☞see also three-point turn , U-turn 3 ( especially NAmE) ( BrE also turn·ing ) a place where a road leads away from the one you are travelling on 岔路口;拐弯处;转弯处 4 a bend or corner in a road (道路的)弯道,转弯处 ◆ a lane full of twists and turns 弯弯曲曲的小巷 time 时间 5 ★ the time when sb in a group of people should or is allowed to do sth (依次轮到的)机会 ◆ When it's your turn, take another card. 轮到你时,再抓一张牌。 ◆ Please wait your turn. 请等着轮到你。 ◆ Whose turn is itto cook? 轮到谁做饭了? ◆ Steve took a turndriving while I slept. 我睡觉时,史蒂夫接着开车。 change 变化 6 an unusual or unexpected change in what is happening (异乎寻常或意外的)变化,转变 ◆ a surprising turn of events 意想不到的事态变化 ◆ His health has taken a turn for theworse (= suddenly got worse). 他的健康状况突然恶化。 ◆ Events took a dramatic turn in the weeks that followed. 在以后的几周里,事态急转直下。 ◆ The book is, by turns,funny and very sad. 这部书时而妙趣横生,时而悲悲戚戚。 ☞see also about-turn performance 表演 7 a short performance or piece of entertainment such as a song, etc. 短小节目 ◆ Everyone got up on stage to do a turn. 每个人都登台表演了一个小节目。 ☞see also star turn walk 步行 8 ( old-fashioned) a short walk 散步;转一圈 ◆ We took a turn around the park. 我们在公园里转了一圈。 illness 疾病 9 ( old-fashioned) a feeling of illness (疾病的)一阵发作;不适感 ◆ a funny turn (= a feeling that you may faint) 感到一阵晕眩 IDIOMS at every ˈturn everywhere or every time you try and do sth 处处;事事;每次 ◆ At every turn I met with disappointment. 我事事都不顺心。 (do sb) a good ˈturn (to do) sth that helps sb (为某人做)好事,善事;(做)有助于某人的事 ◆ Well, that's my good turn for the day. 好啦,这就是我今天做的好事。 done to a ˈturn ( BrE) cooked for exactly the right amount of time 烹调得恰到火候 give sb a ˈturn ( old-fashioned) to frighten or shock sb 使大吃一惊;吓某人一跳 in ˈturn 1 ★ one after the other in a particular order 依次;轮流;逐个 ◆ The children called out their names in turn. 孩子们逐一自报姓名。 2 as a result of sth in a series of events 相应地;转而 ◆ Increased production will, in turn, lead to increased profits. 增加生产会继而增加利润。 ˌone good ˌturn deserves aˈnother ( saying) you should help sb who has helped you 善须善报;要以德报德;好人应得好报 on the ˈturn ( especially BrE) going to change soon 即将变化 ◆ His luck is on the turn. 他就要时来运转了。 speak/talk ˌout of ˈturn to say sth that you should not because it is the wrong situation or because it offends sb 说话出格(或冒失、鲁莽、不合时宜) ★ take ˈturns (in sth/to do sth) ( BrE also take it in ˈturns ) if people take turnsor take it in turnsto do sth, they do it one after the other to make sure it is done fairly 依次;轮流 ◆ The male and female birds take turns in sitting on the eggs. 雄鸟和雌鸟轮流伏窝。 ◆ We take it in turns to do the housework. 我们轮流做家务。 the ˌturn of the ˈcentury/ˈyear the time when a new century/year starts 世纪之交;新年伊始;辞旧迎新之际 ◆ It was built at the turn of the century. 这是在世纪之交修建的。 a ˌturn of ˈmind a particular way of thinking about things 思维方式;思想方法 a ˌturn of ˈphrase a particular way of describing sth 措辞;表达方式;描述方式 a ˌturn of the ˈscrew an extra amount of pressure, cruelty,etc. added to a situation that is already difficult to bear or understand 雪上加霜 a ˌturn of ˈspeed a sudden increase in your speed or rate of progress; the ability to suddenly increase your speed 突然加速;加快进度;突然加快的能力 ◆ He put on an impressive turn of speed in the last lap. 他在最后一圈猛然加速。 ☞more at hand n. , serve v. turn / tɜːn ; NAmE tɜːrn /
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